---- ===== 2010-06-29 General Discussion, no voting. ===== Open: 19:10\\ Close 19:30\\ Author Unknown\\ Signed Unsigned\\ Tally Unknown\\ ===== Agenda ===== No Agenda Available ---- ===== Meeting ===== Members Present Member names not taken === Notes === * lawrence opens the meeting at ten past seven * first aid kit, there are a couple of options, a wall mount kit would be nice if we can afford it. * banking - james to be given access by buzz to do the banking * clinton asked about the little birdy affiliate link, it just gets done in the background * logo comp closes this weekend. * costing of tools has been done, nothing is needed desperately space. * bit of a discussion of the edge meetings, and the possibility of having them be official hackerspace meetings. * bit of discussion about robowars * meeting closed at seven thirty.