---- ===== 2011-02-15 Alex Wilson elected secretary, 3 month grace implemented, Lathe voted to buy, rfid locking on expensive tools, website ===== ===== Agenda ===== Open 20:02\\ Close 21:20\\ Author Unknown\\ Signed Unsigned\\ Tally 10\\ MeetingAgenda ---- ===== Meeting ===== Members Present * Lawrence "Lemming" Dixon (President) * Travis Howse * Luke Johnston * Joel Byrnes (Treasurer) * David "Buzz" Bussenschutt * James Churchill * Luke Hovington * Daniel Fielding * Michael Chambers * Alex Wilson * Sean Mailander === Absentee Votes === * Matt Costa (via email) === Notes === Lemming informs the group about the resignation of secretary John Williams due to other time commitments. **Call for nominations** for a new secretary. Lemming nominates Alex W for the position. No other nominations are put forward. **Motion** to elect the new secretary -- passes, Alex W elected unopposed. Will serve until the AGM in May. **Agenda item (Lemming)** -- time limit for non-financial members before access termination. * Buzz notes that current rules actually specify instant expiry * Lemming proposes a 6 month grace. * Other members suggest that 6 months is too lenient * Motion for a 3 month expiry policy, provided member given sufficient notification -- passes, with 8 members for. **Agenda item (Lemming)** -- purchase of new equipment * Items discussed: Metal Lathe, Benchtop Power Supply, Laser Cutter, Bandsaw, Sanders * Lemming notes that a Lathe would be useful for his projects, and he is willing to contribute $500 to the cost * Luke J. notes a lack of space for a lathe, and suggests the wall should be a priority * James notes that the lathe gives a lot of cross-over with existing Mens' Shed organisations, and in his opinion that a Laser Cutter would be a better investment and fit with the culture of the Space. * Lemming responds that more tools should lead to increased membership which leads to more funds available to buy expensive tools such as the Laser Cutter. * **Indicative vote** -- for Laser Cutter versus Lathe, Laser Cutter is the stronger, 7 votes to 5. * Discussion around prices, current funds and other items possible * **Motion** for the purchase of a Lathe, plus associated tooling, including a $500 contribution from Lemming and $50 from Dan -- passes, 6 votes for (including 1 via email from Matt Costa). **Agenda item (Lemming)** -- technical access control for expensive equipment * Lemming notes that expensive equipment can be damaged by untrained users and proposes the need to discuss access control by technical measure. * Luke J. suggests for discussion the Techshop system used overseas with long-range RFID and indicator lights. * Other RFID-based suggestions are made. * Joel begins discussion around a social contract system, proposes a simple shared key box. * James notes that implementing a technical control measure and then taking out insurance based on this could lead to liability in the case of a failure of the technical control. * Consensus seems to be that technical control is unnecessary, no formal motion is passed. **Discussion** about financial situation, bank balance and safety buffers for "worst case" scenarios. * Joel (Treasurer) to do some projections to better understand the bank balance that should be maintained. **Proposal** to add a list to the website of proposed purchases for members to discuss and vote. * Consensus agreement **Discussion** about completing the far wall at the back of the space and securing the buildling * Buzz to quote on costs for this project