---- ===== 2012-01-31 Parking at the space, contracted rubbish bin. ===== Open 19:00\\ Close 19:20\\ Author Unknown\\ Signed Unsigned\\ Tally 14\\ ===== Agenda ===== No Agenda Available ---- ===== Meeting ===== === Members Present === Member names not taken === Notes === - members voted in-favour of allowing **outside** parking at the HSBNE when said vehicle-parking members are **NOT** present, ONLY IF ONE OF: * you leave your phone number on the dash of the car, so you can be called to move the car ( if needed), AND you are available to move your card in a reasonable time ( an hour or less ) . OR * you leave your keys in an agreed place inside HSBNE, so other members can more the vehicle if it become a problem ( you do this at your own risk, and other members moving your car do so with your permission and risk if you do this ) If you are not happy with either of these condition/s you MAY NOT park your car in the outside area, above the HSBNE building ( inside the fence ) . Lemming raised that the previously voted on ( and agreed vote ) "contracted rubbish bin" ( which was approx $36/mo ) can not be done for any contract length less than 12 months , so members agreed that 12 months was acceptable,. so long as it was transferrable to a new site.