---- =====2013-04-23 Purchase of SNARCs ===== Open 19:05\\ Close 19:15\\ Author Brendan Halliday\\ Signed Unsigned\\ Tally 16\\ * David Bussenschutt * Simeon Higgs * Brendan Carmichael * Josh Hogendorn * Sven Hanzka * Aaron Bycroft * Leon Muller * Timothy Reichle * Ben Cooper * Brendan Hall * Matt Leaper * Travis Howse * Ben Hockley * Sidney Watters * Brendan Halliday * James Churchill ---- ===== Agenda ===== No Agenda Available ---- ===== Meeting Notes ===== * Agenda Item - Snarcs Purchase. It was discussed that we would need 5 Snarcs and 6 Snarc+ to secure all the doors on campus that need to be secured. A vote was taken and were in favour of buying them for a total of (5x$45 + 6x$80) = $705.