---- ===== 2016-02-02 Cause Rule Changes, Spindle Sander, Compressed Air, Strandbeests for WSF, Supanova costs, skip. ===== Open 21:20\\ Close 21:30\\ Author Brendan Halliday\\ Signed Jason Beattie\\ Tally 23\\ * Aaron Bycroft * Will Stobo * Mike Ando * Timeka Beecham * David Thomson * James Churchill * Niklas Casaril * Daniel Zimmer * David Bussenschutt * Lionel Theunissen * Brendan Halliday * Sebastian Petrik * Karl Richardson * Megs Drinkwater * Brendan Carmichael * Blair Calderara * Joshua Hogendorn * Adam Blake * Matthew Costa (Proxy) * Sven Tiede * Chang-Yi Yao * Sven Hanzka * Stephanie Piper (Proxy) ---- ===== Agenda ===== This agenda has rolled over to the next week as quorum was not reached on the 26th Jan. * Shared Toilets/Changes to Lockup Procedure * Proposal to change cause classes requirements * Purchase Proposal: Spindle Sander 1 ($550.05 is best price) * Purchase Proposal: Compressed Air system ($140) * Purchase Proposal: x120 Strandbeest kits + appropriate sticker branding to total a maximum of $1000 for sale at WSF. * Purchase Proposal: $500 for Supanova prep and stall costs * Purchase Proposal: $360 Skip for stuff in the quad- Doom Shelves ---- ===== Meeting Notes ===== -Treasurer's Report (Rolled over from previous meeting): $22 K in bank. * Members reminded that toilets are now shared and that the door down the end of the toilet hallway needs to be secured at any time other than Open events. * Cause rules vote postponed until all discussion notes are incorporated into the rewritten policy for voting. * Financial Vote: Spindle sander at $550.05: None against, none abstaining, all in favour. * Financial Vote: Plumbing Craft Punk and Digital Fabrication for compressed air at $140 budget: None against, none abstaining, all in favour. * Financial Vote: 120 Strandbeest Kits for World Science Festival $1500 budget: None against, 1 abstaining. * Financial Vote: Supanova Prep and Stall Costs $500 budget: None against, none abstaining, all in favour. * Financial Vote: Skip to throw away mess in the Quad. $360 budget: None against, none abstaining, all in favour. * Policy Vote: Doom Shelves policy implementation: None against, 1 abstain .