---- ===== 2018-09-11 Laser Cutter Tubes, Accounting ===== Open 20:09\\ Close 20:29\\ Author Michael King\\ Signed Alex Wixted\\ Tally 24\\ * Eris Ryan * Alex Breckell * James Stockdale * Alan Webb * Alex Wixted * Nathan Beveridge * Blair Calderara * Robert Lawrence * Louis Graham * James Churchill * Joshua Hogendorn * Mike Ando * Meka Beecham * Brendan Halliday * Timothy Reichle * Dave Seff * James Beecham * Fionn Volkov * Michael King * Luke Hill * Jaimyn Mayer * Julie Kernick * Mike Morrison * Aaron Bycroft ---- ===== Agenda ===== * Laser Cutter Tubes (up to $1200) * Accounting ($1320) ===== Meeting Notes ===== * Extension to Woofing Policy - A discussion was had over a possible proposal to extend our woofing policy. Members wishing to take advantage of this facility would need to construct items that would benefit the 'Space, that upon completion would be able to be redeemed for time periods of membership. This topic is subject to further discussion. * Tool Armoury - By keeping our tools in a set location, this should help with the retention of our tooling and equipment, as well as allow us to keep an audit of the tools that we do hold. This topic is subject to further discussion. * We are looking for more people to promote the 'Space. Make videos, spread the work on what we have and what we can accomplish! * Supanova is two months away, and as our largest show that we attend we are looking for volunteers to help us with running our booth as well as assist with the Cosplay Repair Station. Please make your interest known in the appropriate forum thread. ===== Treasury Report ===== * No Treasury report given ===== Votes ===== * Laser Cutter Tubes (up to $1200) - Our well-used laser cutter has finally expended its laser tube, and due to a previous decision we have no spare unit. We are seeking a budget to purchase a supply of required spare parts, including a new tube and power supply, this purchase will be reimbursed by the Digital Fabrication cause; 0 opposed, 3 abstentions; ****motion passed****. * Accounting ($1320) - As a part of our Governmental requirements, we need to have our annual financial report completed by an accounting firm. We were more than satisfied with our previous accountant, and will be engaging them to complete the financial report for 2017/2018; 0 opposed, 0 abstentions; ****motion passed****. ===== Thanks ===== * Thanks to Beau for organising the payment reimbursements * General thanks to all for creating a welcoming environment * Thanks to Mike for ongoing vending machine maintenance * Thanks to the causeleaders for their hard work