Forge Team Meeting 19/06/2022 Meeting opened: 11:11am Attendees: * Alex Wixted * Fraser Patterson * Zach Forrester * Zac Marcus Jess Wessling gives her apologies for being unable to make today. Volunteer Duties - All completed Updates on Projects * Swage block stand working on getting the rotating pin & block to fit nicely before final fit up * Zac has begun documenting tools for the wiki, will move onto chemicals etc once mostly up to date. * Power Hammer bottom pallet has had the appropriate taper machined into the dovetail, can now be fitted to the hammer. Next fix is to replace the power cable with a large cross section cable, reduce voltage drop to the motor. * Fraser has begun work on the scrap metal stillage. Maintenance Update * Forge lining requires a small patch repair. Will complete during working bee today, should be ready for service Tuesday or Wednesday. Voting items - none Announcements * Welcome to Zac joining the Forge team as a Volunteer * Working bee immediately after meeting General Business * HSBNE has received a large donation of hardwood timber to the space - could potentially be a good opportunity to build the rear wall/doors for the forge area. Will assess feasibility. Thank yous * Thank you to Zach @Zac_Crow for keeping the Forge area swept * Thank you to Fraser @Zanshin for maintaining the gas consumables * Thank you to Ryan @Ryan1 for his help milling the the power hammer pallet Meeting closed :11:30