====== Mechanical Team ======
=== This page is a work in progress ===
The information on this page is a work in progress and does not necessarily reflect the current state or operating policy of HSBNE.
{{ :teams:gears.png?nolink&200|}}
| **Leader** | Raf Kempeneers |
| **Members** | - Andrew White \\ - Josh Wood \\ - Meg White \\ - Alex Massignani |
| **Locations Managed** | [[campus:mechanical|Mechanical Workshop]] |
| **Communications** | [[https://chat.hsbne.org/|Discord Chat]]|
| **Meeting Times** | TBA |
===== Team Objectives =====
The mechanical team oversees a workshop and outdoor space where members can work on any project involving assembly or disassembly: pushbikes, motorbikes, vans, cars, gearboxes, chains, and everything in between!
===== Team Vision =====
The mechanical team will ensure that HSBNE maintains a robust mechanical capacity, and that members of all skill levels feel welcome to explore and develop their projects in a well-equipped mechanical shop.
===== Team Plan =====
**Immediate goals**:
* Design and establish the [[campus:mechanical|Mechanical workshop]].
* Pneumatic (route airlines for tools and sandblaster)
* Tooling (extend the tooling capacity of the workshop)
* lighting (provide adequate in and outdoor lighting
* Toolstorage (provide an easy to use tool system)
**Short term:**
* Work on making the space efficient and organised
* Liaise with the Forge team about using their flammables cabinet
**Medium term:**
* Develop classes
**Long term:**
* Create a covered outdoor area that stretches beyond the current awning
===== Team Budget =====
$200 per month
===== Consumables =====
* [[https://www.machineryhouse.com.au/s296|Sand for Sandblaster]]
* [[https://www.machineryhouse.com.au/a378|Parts washer liquid]]
===== Member Responsibilities =====
^ Member ^ Responsibilities ^
| Raf | All machinery related wiki updates. Cleanliness in the workshop. Machinery and tool maintenance. Writing the meeting minutes for team meetings (+ upload on Wiki). Updating the team plan each month. All Teamleader responsibilities. |
| Andrew | Consumables tracking, cleanliness in the workshop. Machinery and tool maintenance. |
| Josh | Run inductions for the space. Run 1 workshop/class per quarter. Consumables tracking, cleanliness in the workshop. Machinery and tool maintenance |
| Meg | Maintain the wiki for the Mechanical team. |
===== Team Meeting Minutes =====