{{:tools:blacksmithing:blacksmithvice.jpg?400&nolink}} ====== Blacksmithing Vice ====== | Description | 6 inch Blacksmith vice and table | | Owned by | Alex Wixted | | Maintained by | Alex Wixted | ===== Current Status ===== === Working === Machine is working as expected. ===== Usage ===== **This machine does not require induction to use.** ==== General ==== Large blacksmithing vice. Hold material while you twist or hit it. ==== Recommended PPE ==== | Recommended | {{:resources:ppe-wearearprotection.gif?nolink&100|}} | We recommend hearing protection. | | Required | {{:resources:ppe-weargoggle.gif?nolink&100|}} | Please wear goggles or a face shield | | Required | {{:resources:ppe-wearenclosedshoes.gif?nolink&100|}} | Enclosed shoes are required, no open sandals, thongs etcSafety caps recommended. | | Required | | Long pants required. | | Required | | No Synthetic materials or clothing. | ===== RACI ===== {{:tools:woodshop:raci.png?direct|}} ^ Task / Action ^ Executive ^ Team Leader ^ Named Maintainer ^ Trainers ^ Team ^ Membership ^ Implementer ^ | Modification and Repairs | - | AC | C | I | I | I | R | ===== Risk Matrix and Mitigation ===== {{:tools:woodshop:riskmatrix3x3.png?direct|}} ^ Ref / ID ^ Pre-Mitigation |||^ Mitigations / Warnings / Remedies ^ Post Mitigation |||| | ::: ^ Risk ^ Risk Severity ^ Risk Likelyhood ^ Risk Level | ::: ^ Risk Severity ^ Risk Likelyhood ^ Risk Level ^ Acceptable to Proceed ^ | 01 | Minor Burn | Insignificant | Likely | 4 - Medium | Wear PPE, use appropriate tooling, water on hand, first aid kit | Unlikely | Insignificant | 2 - Low |Yes | | 02 | Moderate Burn | Minor | Possible | 6 - Medium | Wear PPE, water on hand, use appropriate tooling, first aid kit | Unlikely | Insignificant | 2 - Low |Yes | | 03 | Major Burn | Major | Unlikely | 8 - High | Wear PPE, use appropriate tooling, water on hand, first aid kit | Unlikely | Minor | 4 - Low |Yes | | 04 | Flying Sparks | Insignificant | Likely | 4 - Medium | Wear PPE, water on hand, first aid kit | Unlikely | Insignificant | 2 - Low |Yes | | 05 | Industrial Noise | Minor | Very Likely | High - 10 | Wear PPE | Insignificant | Unlikely | 2 |Yes |