**This wiki is incomplete and still under construction.**
Delete this box when you are done.
====== Vacuum Chamber - Bacoeng 12L w/ Tempered Glass Lid ======
| Aliases | Vac Chamber |
| Other References |
//[[https://snipe.hsbne.org/|Asset Register]]//
//[[https://xero.com/|Xero Asset]]//
[[https://forum.hsbne.org/search?q=table%20saw|Forum Posts]]
| Official Maintainer | Paula O'Donnell |
===== Current Status =====
=== Working ===
Machine is working as expected.
===== Usage =====
**This machine is generally available to use.**
The Vacuum Chamber is used in conjunction with the Vacuum Pump. A complete INDUCTION VIDEO will be posted soon.\\
Induction process is:
- Watch this Induction Video.
- Watch these introduction videos.
- [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGDPsLqFudI|Watch this video]] to see how a vac pump (different model) and vac chamber are used to degas silicone prior to casting a mould\\
- Read the rest of this page.
- Seek clarification if needed, via Discord or in person.
- You are now prepared to use this machine.
==== Guidelines ====
The Vacuum Chamber is located in its cardboard box on the shelves in Craftpunk.
The Vacuum Chamber is used in conjunction with the Vacuum Pump. They are principally used for degassing silicon and resin in casting processes, and for stabilising timber.
It is important to connect it properly and open the taps in the correct sequence +++++++
==== Recommended PPE ====
| Recommended | {{:resources:ppe-wearearprotection.gif?nolink&100|}} | We recommend hearing protection. |
| Required | {{:resources:ppe-wearenclosedshoes.gif?nolink&200|}} | Enclosed shoes are required, no open sandals, thongs etc. |
===== Machine Specifications =====
^ Name ^ Value ^
| Volume | 12L |
| Diameter | 250 mm |
| Depth | 250 mm |
===== Documents =====
{{ {{ :tools:craftpunk:vacuum_chamber:bacoeng_vacuum_chamber.pdf | User Manual}}
[[https://bacoeng.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115007699347-Vacuum-Chamber-Instruction-FAQ-Safety-Warning|Vacuum Chamber Instruction FAQ & Safety Warnings]]
===== Manufacturer =====
=== Manufacturer ===
* [[https://bacoeng.com/products/glass-lid-vacuum-chamber-and-vacuum-chamber-with-pump?variant=30981914722394]]
=== Reseller ===
Vacuum Chamber was purchased through Amazon
[[https://www.amazon.com.au/BACOENG-Stainless-Stabilizing-Degassing-Silicones/dp/B07JD1LFTR| Amazon Site]]
=== Known Identical Models ===
*None Known
===== Known Issues =====
^ Date ^ Description ^ Workaround ^ Proposed Remediation |
| 01/01/2020 | PLACEHOLDER Describe the problem | PLACEHOLDER Describe the workaround currently in place | Placeholder Describe a proposed fix or solution |
None Known
===== Modifications / Repair History =====
^ Date ^ Modified By ^ Description ^ Remediation ^ Cost ^
| 02/03/2021 | Paula O'Donnell | Modified Hose | Cut off supplied connector on one of hose and replaced with KF25 connector to suit Vacuum Pumper. Added an inline tap. | KF25 $38 Tap $8.79 |
===== Accessories =====
^ Image ^ Category ^ Accessory Name & Notes ^ Location ^ Buy from ^
| {{:tools:craftpunk:vacuum_chamber:vac_chamber_hose.jpg?400|}} | Part | ** Hose ** \\ Hose for connecting Vacuum Pump to Vacuum Chamber | In the box with the Vac Chamber | Supplied with Vacuum Chamber |
|{{:tools:craftpunk:vacuum_chamber:silicon_mat.jpg?400|}} | Part | ** Silcon Mat ** for use n the base of Chamber if required | In the box with the Vac Chamber | Supplied with Vacuum Chamber |
===== Consumables & Running Costs =====
^ Image ^ Category ^ Accessory Name & Notes ^ Location ^ Buy from ^
| {{:tools:craftpunk:vacuum_chamber:filter_o_rings.jpg?400}} | Parts | **Air Filter and Orings** \\ PLACEHOLDER Consumable description and usage | PLACEHOLDER Description of where the consumable is stored | PLACEHOLDER Link to where it can be bought |
| PLACEHOLDER Image | PLACEHOLDER Category of consumable | **PLACEHOLDER Consumable Name** \\ PLACEHOLDER Consumable description and usage | PLACEHOLDER Description of where the consumable is stored | PLACEHOLDER Link to where it can be bought |
===== Maintenance =====
^ Interval ^ Task ^
| After Every Use | Ensure Vacuum Chamber is clean. |
| After Every Use | Put all the equipment back where it belongs.|
===== RACI =====
A RACI is an important documentation process to let people know what ACTIONS can happen, and who needs to be Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed for each ACTION.
^ Task / Action ^ Executive ^ Cause Leader \\ Cause Team ^ Named Maintainer ^ Trainers ^ Cause ^ Membership ^ Implementer ^
| Modification and Repairs | - | AC | C | I | I | I | R |
| Induction changes | C | RACI | RC | I | I | I | R |
===== Risk Matrix and Mitigation =====
Risk assessment is important to ensure we are making tools available to members in a responsible fashion. Please make every effort to do a reasonable risk assessment. If there is a safety incident with the tool, please redo a risk assessment and add it to the table.
^ Ref / ID ^ Pre-Mitigation |||^ Mitigations / Warnings / Remedies ^ Post Mitigation |||^
^ ::: ^ Risk ^ Risk Severity ^ Risk Likelyhood ^ Risk Level ^ ::: ^ Risk Severity ^ Risk Likelyhood ^ Risk Level ^ Acceptable to Proceed ^
| 0001 | Damage due to lid imploding| Undesirable | Possible | 8 | Induction to train users in correct usage. Wear eye protection. | Low | Improbable | 1 |
===== Decision Register =====
PLACEHOLDER: A decision register is for general documentation when some decision is made regarding the tool. To change its location, mode of operation, to buy an accessory, to replace something, to change how it operates etc. Delete this line.
^ Ref / ID ^ Decision Details ^ Impact ^ Proposed Date ^ Proposed By ^ Status ^ Approved By ^ Date ^ Resulting Actions and Comments ^
| 0000 | Example decision | Provides an example | 08/08/20 | JH | Approved | JH | 08/08/20 | A line was put in the register |