====== Press, Hydraulic - Renegade Industrial 20T ======
| Aliases | Shop Press |
| Other References |
//[[https://snipe.hsbne.org/|Asset Register]]//
//[[https://xero.com/|Xero Asset]]//
[[https://forum.hsbne.org/search?q=table%20saw|Forum Posts]]
| Official Maintainer | None |
===== Current Status =====
=== Working ===
Machine is working as expected.
===== Usage =====
**This machine requires induction to use.**
==== Guidelines ====
Please ensure that the lever arm and the press blocks are kept with the machine at all times. These are not to be used for other purposes.
==== Personal Protective Equipment ====
| Required | {{ :resources:ppe-wearsafetyglasses.gif?nolink&100 |}} | Always wear AS/NZS 1337.1 compliant safety glasses while operating this machine. |
| Required | {{ :resources:ppe-wearenclosedshoes.gif?nolink&100 |}} | Enclosed shoes are required, no open sandals, thongs etc |
===== Machine Specifications =====
^ Name ^ Value ^
| Maximum Load Capacity | 20,000kg / 20 Ton |
| Working Length | 0mm-710mm |
| Stroke Length | 150mm |
| Weight | 68.5kg |
| Width | 590mm |
| Depth | 540mm |
| Height | 1500mm |
===== Documents =====
No documents are currently available for this machine.
===== Supplier =====
* TradeTools
* [[https://www.tradetools.com/]]
=== Known Identical Models ===
* Generic hydraulic press. Many replacements are available.
===== Known Issues =====
^ Date ^ Description ^ Workaround ^ Proposed Remediation |
===== Modifications / Repair History =====
^ Date ^ Modified By ^ Description ^ Remediation ^ Cost ^
===== Accessories =====
^ Image ^ Category ^ Accessory Name & Notes ^ Location ^ Buy from ^
| | Press Blocks | **Solid Press Blocks** \\ Used to support items being pressed. | On or next to press. | |
| | Press Blocks | **Press Blocks with Cutout**\\ Used to support items being pressed.\\ Cutout present to allow shafts to be passed through or can support cylinders when placed on their side. | On or next to press. | |
| | Lever Arm | **Lever Arm**\\ Used to actuate hydraulic cylinder. | On or next to press. | |
===== Consumables & Running Costs =====
^ Image ^ Category ^ Accessory Name & Notes ^ Location ^ Buy from ^
===== Maintenance =====
^ Interval ^ Task ^
| Quarterly | Inspect hydraulic cylinder and integrity of stand. |
===== RACI =====
^ Task / Action ^ Executive ^ Cause Leader \\ Cause Team ^ Named Maintainer ^ Trainers ^ Cause ^ Membership ^ Implementer ^
| Modification and Repairs | - | AC | C | I | I | I | R |
| Induction changes | C | RACI | RC | I | I | I | R |
===== Risk Matrix and Mitigation =====
^ Ref / ID ^ Pre-Mitigation |||^ Mitigations / Warnings / Remedies ^ Post Mitigation ||||
| ::: ^ Risk ^ Risk Severity ^ Risk Likelyhood ^ Risk Level | ::: ^ Risk Severity ^ Risk Likelyhood ^ Risk Level ^ Acceptable to Proceed ^
| 0001 | Death | Severe | Possible | 15 | Induction to train users in correct usage. | Severe | Very Unlikely | 5 | Yes |
| 0002 | Electric Shock | Major | Unlikely | 8 | Induction to train users in correct usage.\\ Ensure power cables are properly connected and off the floor.\\ Cables are tested and tagged and inspected for damage. | Minor | Very Unlikely | 2 | Yes |
| 0003 | Noise | Moderate | Likely | 12 | Train users to wear hearing protection. | Insignificant | Unlikely | 2 | Yes |
| 0004 | Tripping Hazard | Moderate | Possible | 9 | Train users to maintain a clean working area.\\ Keep all cables off the ground and secured out of the way. | Insignificant | Unlikely | 2 | Yes |
| 0005 | Insufficient Lighting | Minor | Possible | 6 | Turn on shop lights.\\ Open metal-shop doors for natural lighting. | Insignificant | Unlikely | 2 | Yes |
| 0006 | Crushing | Severe | Unlikely | 10 | Induction to train users in correct usage. | Minor | Unlikely | 4 | Yes |
| | | | | | | | | | |
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===== Decision Register =====
^ Ref / ID ^ Decision Details ^ Impact ^ Proposed Date ^ Proposed By ^ Status ^ Approved By ^ Date ^ Resulting Actions and Comments ^