Craft Punk Cause Operating Policy

Cause Area Expectations

Tools requiring Induction:

Overlocker - Induction Process: ask the Cause Leader, a Supervisor or a Maintainer to schedule an Induction class (if one is not already scheduled). Must be inducted in person by a Maintainer Recognition of Competency Assessment* not available for this tool.

Vacuum chamber - Induction Process: ask the Cause Leader, a Supervisor or a Maintainer for a personal induction. Wiki self-help guide pending. Recognition of Competency Assessment* available upon request. Supervisors and Maintainers are listed on the Wiki.

Sewing machines - Induction Process: ask the Cause Leader, a Supervisor or a Maintainer to schedule an Induction class (if one is not already scheduled) or for a private induction. Wiki self-help guide pending Recognition of Competency Assessment* available upon request Maintainers are listed on the Wiki

CNC - Induction Process: ask the Cause Leader, a Supervisor or a Maintainer to schedule an Induction class (if one is not already scheduled). Induction Process is to ask the cause leader for an Induction class (run on demand with +7 days lead time) Wiki self-help guide pending Recognition of Competency Assessment* available upon request Maintainers are listed on the Wiki

*A Recognition of Competency Assessment is where you feel you have the required knowledge and skills to use the tool safely and properly. This may also include details specific to Craft Punk and our internal requirements of caring for the tool. **Cause Leader, Supervisors and Maintainers are listed on the Wiki. Inductions are dependant on volunteer availability. Tools requiring Supervision *This section intentionally left blank for future tools*

Process for becoming a Maintainer

Contact the Tool Supervisor(s) to assist with maintenance or improvements where instructed to do so. The Tool Supervisor(s) will give their recommendation to the Cause Leader, who will either:
Approve your position as Maintainer by forum post here: and add your name to the Wiki, or
Speak to you privately about reasons you may not currently be suitable or needed for a position as a Maintainer for that tool.
The Cause Leader should provide feedback on how you might improve your eligibility, or may otherwise contribute to the cause by utilising your personal strengths.
Cause Members may overrule the cause leader’s decision by vote in any cause meeting (greater than 50% of quorum- including cause leader, standard)

Process for becoming a Supervisor

Show interest by demonstrating your ability to conduct self guided study and research about the tool or the related discipline. Demonstrate your safe use of the tool.
Check and update the wiki (where needed).
Improve the tool and/or outline your plan to maintain the tool and increase ease of access to general HSBNE members. Based on the outcomes of steps 1-4 and advice from other Supervisors, the Cause Leader will approve or deny your request by forum post here:
Cause Members may overrule the cause leader’s decision by vote in any cause meeting (greater than 50% of corum- including cause leader)

Ongoing Budgets

Monthly Consumables Discretionary Budget: $100. This is for reimbursing purchases of consumables, small repair costs and small inexpensive tools required by the Cause to maintain usability of current major tools*, disciplines and room functionality.

Purchases that form part of this budget can be approved by the Cause Leader without a vote at a Cause Meeting. This budget does not roll over to the following month. Purchases are allocated to the budget of the month shown on the proof of purchase.

*Major tools refers to tools listed on the HSBNE wiki as a feature of Craft Punk.