Need to ratify HSBNE/CityStudios agreement/peace pact
Item 1 - minute new door policy and copy to Jeremy
Item 3 - CS and HSBNE agreed that HSBNE have nothing further to do with making the “rear” doors (barn door and manhole)
Item 4 - roller door will get battery backup
Item 5 - New Door Rules - noted
Effective rule must be that until an IR barrier/buzzer is installed on the roller door, roller must be closed at all times except during entry/egress
Motion carried 5 yes, 1 abstain
Item 6 - HSBNE agreed to grease the roller door - done
Item 7 - replace rope with commercial belt - done
Item 8 - HSBNE to build an enclosure for the roller belt/drive mechanism - in progress, box built, to be hung this week
Item 9 - General discussion, no resolution
Item 10 - toilet and tank is costing CS money - is there an alternative? CS may decide to remove the toilet buliding and replace with a cheaper solution
Item 11 - non-issue
Item 12 - non-potable water - HSBNE to create and erect some signage to that effect
Item 13 - Buzz to be primary POC for lease/CS issues