Lemming informs the group about the resignation of secretary John Williams due to other time commitments.
Call for nominations for a new secretary. Lemming nominates Alex W for the position. No other nominations are put forward.
Motion to elect the new secretary – passes, Alex W elected unopposed. Will serve until the AGM in May.
Agenda item (Lemming) – time limit for non-financial members before access termination.
Buzz notes that current rules actually specify instant expiry
Lemming proposes a 6 month grace.
Other members suggest that 6 months is too lenient
Motion for a 3 month expiry policy, provided member given sufficient notification – passes, with 8 members for.
Agenda item (Lemming) – purchase of new equipment
Items discussed: Metal Lathe, Benchtop Power Supply, Laser Cutter, Bandsaw, Sanders
Lemming notes that a Lathe would be useful for his projects, and he is willing to contribute $500 to the cost
Luke J. notes a lack of space for a lathe, and suggests the wall should be a priority
James notes that the lathe gives a lot of cross-over with existing Mens' Shed organisations, and in his opinion that a Laser Cutter would be a better investment and fit with the culture of the Space.
Lemming responds that more tools should lead to increased membership which leads to more funds available to buy expensive tools such as the Laser Cutter.
Indicative vote – for Laser Cutter versus Lathe, Laser Cutter is the stronger, 7 votes to 5.
Discussion around prices, current funds and other items possible
Motion for the purchase of a Lathe, plus associated tooling, including a $500 contribution from Lemming and $50 from Dan – passes, 6 votes for (including 1 via email from Matt Costa).
Agenda item (Lemming) – technical access control for expensive equipment
Lemming notes that expensive equipment can be damaged by untrained users and proposes the need to discuss access control by technical measure.
Luke J. suggests for discussion the Techshop system used overseas with long-range RFID and indicator lights.
Other RFID-based suggestions are made.
Joel begins discussion around a social contract system, proposes a simple shared key box.
James notes that implementing a technical control measure and then taking out insurance based on this could lead to liability in the case of a failure of the technical control.
Consensus seems to be that technical control is unnecessary, no formal motion is passed.
Discussion about financial situation, bank balance and safety buffers for “worst case” scenarios.
Proposal to add a list to the website of proposed purchases for members to discuss and vote.
Discussion about completing the far wall at the back of the space and securing the buildling