Open 19:00
Close 21:00
Author David Busenschutt
Signed David Busenschutt
Tally 8
Usage of the building by private individuals, for their own purposes, “for rent”.
It has been proposed that we should both officially record this committee decision, and open the decision up for other/s, subject to suitable guards, as required.
BACKGROUND: The committee were previously approached by Shaun, who asked if he would be able to “store” some of his equipment in the HSBNE building, and what it would cost. We reached an agreement with him on the following:
A - if he maintains his membership (ie $60/month), then just like any other member, his membership entitles him to “use the building”, so long as he doesn't interfere with others, etc.
B - for “private storage” - he asked for 40sqm, and we agreed to this at an additional fee of $40/month. ( a very low fee if compared to commercial rates, due to the fact that it's temporary, and insecure, etc)
1 - Shaun would like to officially offer the usage of his “large machines” ( the mill and horizontal band saw) to all HSBNE members in exchange for consideration that his monthly “rent” be lowered or removed.
There are a few implication/s to this decision, if we were to go ahead with it, so I'll try to raise some of them here, so we have a place to discuss, etc:
Are we (in-principle) interested in getting official on-going access to the mill and bandsaw in exchange for waiving Shaun's $40/month “rent” fee? Assuming Yes to the above: A - Training - The general rule in the HSBNE is that you must be trained ( usually 1-on-1 with someone already familiar with the equipment), or otherwise prove competence before you use any equipment that could be a hazard to your safety or is itself fragile. This is already the rule we use, especially for the Lathe and the HSBNE RepRap. We can continue to apply this rule in general for these machine/s, but see below for other blockers…..
B - Liability - Officially the equipment is Shaun's, so the liability in case of serious accident generally lies with him. To mitigate against this we ( HSBNE and Shaun) would have to either have some form of “waiver” or other paperwork that individual/s would need to sign to show that they are aware of the risks, etc, etc, or alternatively, we might be able to write a “rental agreement” between Shaun and HSBNE that generally transfers the concerns to HSBNE? I'm not sure the best action here, comments, feedback wanted!
Any other Issues or Concerns related to this?
It has been suggested that we should consider formalising the concept of “stations” as a recognised part of the HSBNE infrastructure.
For those not familiar with the idea, here's some possible examples: eg: “PCB manufacture Station” , “SMD Station”, “Anodizing Station”, “3D Printing Station” etc. It's also been suggested that we should encourage user/s who would like to formally document and implement these sorts of proven process/ system with whatever sorts of encouragement HSBNE can offer, perhaps even with a monetary value on completion of a “station” being implemented and working.
Assuming Yes to the above:
After much heated and mostly healthy discussion, vote/s were taken on the following:
“Should all members be entitled to “rent” space for their personal/private/business ( ie not HSBNE) usage”.. like Sean currently is?
As written originally in the Agenda, this motion was declined All against, zero in favour. However, the group was mostly concerned with the use of the word “entitled” invoking the possibility of excessive use or unusual problems ( and corner cases), and the Agenda item was re-worded slightly to correctly represent the group.
“Should members be permitted to “rent” exclusive space for their personal/private/business ( ie not HSBNE related ) usage, under appropriate conditions as laid out elsewhere, and with the appropriate permission/s requested first?? ( see below)
Motion passed All in favour, zero against.
Are the conditions under which Shaun is renting the space acceptable terms FYI These conditions are:
Discussion pointed out that these terms are all solid and likely acceptable, except the pricing $1/sqm per month, which is under renegotiation with Sean. So, a vote was taken, and Motion passed All in favour, zero against. Should these be the same condition/s under which other member/s are permitted to “rent” ? ( assuming we allow it)?
After discussion, the following points/s were recommended to be added :
Motion passed All in favour, zero against.
how might we deal with limited space, and excessive requests to use it for personal use? Do we “cap” total space for “personal” at just a part of the total avail?
Regarding these question/s, It was decided that since the permission( and any specific additional terms such as the size of a request, etc ) will be granted on a case-by-case basis at future meetings, it is not necessary to decide this now.
Motion was declined All against, zero in favour.
how do we deal with violation/s of the acceptable terms of usage?
It was noted that we already have a dispute resolution methodology in the original HSBNE “Constitution” , and a vote was taken to decide if these were acceptable terms to deal with this situation
Motion passed All in favour, zero against.
( Note by the secretary, I have reviewed our “HSBNE Rules” document, and it does not have a dispute resolution process, so I take it that we are referring to the original HSBNE “Constitution” document ( which has one) but which was recently ( as part of the Incorporation) superceeded by the “HSBNE Rules” as our primary governing document. I therefore will re-issue the dispute-resolution process from the earlier document as our current dispute-resolution system, and inset it into a working document for “Additional Admin”. see: http:%%// )
Due to Sean being unable to attend, thius item was not discussed at this meeting, and will need to be re-raised by Sean for a future meeting.
Motion passed All in favour, zero against.
How do we want to encourage this? Inccentives should be: having it! recognition of doing it! Motion passed All in favour, zero against. How will we require the “stations” to be setup? physical space demands: the expectation is that most “stations” will be able to be “packed away” for the most part, and defining storage needs will be a part of the process of documenting a planned station. upfront costs and consumables : the expectation is that defining the cost of the station and its consumables will be one of the first parts of the process of documenting a planned station, and that any upfront and ongoings cost/s that HSBNE will incurr will have to be brought to the group at a general meeting, for approval. Other possible methods exist for managing consumables, for example, the creator of the “station” may prefer to buy the consumables themselves and donate them, and/or a “donations” box or “honesty system” may be used , etc ? Where will the documentation be? At the very least, in the wiki is a minimal requirement. printed and stored with the equipment/consumables is also encouraged. Motion passed All in favour, zero against. How do we “prove” the document is correct? have someone else use it without assistance? Motion passed All in favour, zero against. How (often) is it reviewed, or replaced, or expired? After discussion at the meeting the following additional items were agreed to: Level 1 documentation: = project proposal. for “putting it to the group”. does not need firm $$$ “costings”, but estimates will help. Level 2 Documentation: = grant application” - justifiable estimates of the costings, replacement costs, etc. must be voted on. Levle 3 documenation: = ongoing “living” document for periodic review. Specifying Actual cost/s incurred ( both upfront, and consumables ) and parts sources, etc.
It is reasonable to expect that if you use a station, and break something that is “expensive”, and that can not be attributed to wear-and-tear, then you may be asked to fix it, or pay for it, or pay for part/most of it. All Stations must have a “responsible person” who's job it is to ensure it remains usable, that consumables are upkept, that documentation is accurate, etc. This defaults to the person who “authored” it, untill they publish otherwise on hte list and in the instructions. The instructions must name this person, and their contact details ( eg phone & email ), so they can be notified in the case of issues, etc. All changes to stations ( such as documentation, methodology, systems, etc ) must be “vetted” by the original “author” and/or the current “responsible person”. don't break the documentation. If you are designing a new/better way of doing something, the old system must continue to work until your revisions and documentation are “vetted” and accepted by the author, etc .