2014-04-15 Approval of New Rules, Expenditure, Laser Cutter.

Open 20:38
Close 21:11
Author Ben Cooper
Signed Aaron Bycroft
Tally 19


New Rules

Meeting Notes

New Rules



Jimmy objects to the mangement committee removal rules being changed

Svenska objects to the English testing requirement for entry to the management committee

See github PR for full list and explanations

Buzz puts forward the motion that we vote these rules in thier entirety


Motion passed

Covering the costs of the kickstarter video


Motion Passed.

Costs of laser cutting time:

Jimmy puts forward that we charge members to use time on the laser cutter:

People who paid money for the laser cutter, any money the put in is credited at $1 per hour. ie: $50 = 50 hours.

Bear would like to know the running expenses.

$320 per tube, rated at 3000 hours.

Brendan has highlighted that this is what the cause system is for.

Timeka has said that can be managed by the dontations tin. same system as the reprap printers.

Motion Passed

The google mailing list has been closed

The laser cutter is supervised use only on tuesday nights till inductions are done.