Painting is happening on the outer walls facing the street that the Landlord is paying for.
Victor will be away for 4 weeks after tomorrow. You can contact him via email.
Friday night the building was left open and the soldering iron left on. Can you please lock up after yourself- if you open it you close it, and if you are the last to leave the campus, can you check things are locked down.
Causes are postponed until we have more money in our bank account, and we can write the rules.
The renovations have already started in the front area and will be updating the landlord this week.
Aaron asks if we should be providing a full financial report each month. Executive members said they did not belive so, but will check the rules.
Luke asked if everyone got an email from the accounting software and that you will get one to remind you of how much you need to pay to remain a member, each month.