2014-09-09 Paying for the welder, $100 for 3d printers, various announcements

Open 20:08
Close 20:56
Author Timeka Beecham
Signed Victor Vicario
Tally 16


Financial Items


Meeting Notes

Victor opens meeting


Bear will have the new welder soon and he wants the space to pay the whole amount so he can refund the members who contributed. mike asks for our financial position- we a $5000 over operating min Bear points out he saved the space lots of money by saving gas bottles. He also points out we need other things to get it going like tips and helmets and accessories. Members can choose to leave their donation with Bear to buy the accessories we'll need. Vote for welder For 17 Against 1 Abstained 2

Sven- 3D printer revamp. He comments that most Hackerspace printing is happening on private printers, so he is taking on the job of getting our printers working again. This will be for new hotends and other parts. It is likely we'll need more parts in the future. Vote For 17 Against 0 Abstained 1


Victor- there was a group that came by today who had a look around and would like to give a talk to us about their company's product Pcduino. They will provide free drinks on Saturday. Please go on the forum and submit your interest. It will only go ahead if we have enough interest. Daniel Z wants to let us know that he will be going to Shenzen and can bring back small items for the space if we need anything. Consumables that we need- Tapes, glue, wood glue, stationary, carbide tips, solid core wire for breadboards, filament, screws Thanks to Bear workshop tomorrow 4 to 9pm In reference to the blacksmithing- Landlord asked us to move or cover the mess that's visible from the road. Need to cover the area so we don't cause heat damage to the property. Mike asks that they keep the work away from the driveway area. Laser has had some problems with it being fiddled with. Luke- you shouldn't do anything but cut. Hamish- just moving the device will ruin the alignment. Problem with the front door. The entire system needs to be overhauled. Sid has offered to have a look at it again. Mike will buy a drink for anyone who completes a cleaning task. Pepsi Next is on sale because it's going out of date, 50c a can. You can buy it for a dollar and get a refund from Mike or ask him to get it for you. You can also buy in bulk. Mike has been living off powdered food substitute (like Soylent), and will be doing a talk next week and will have sample sets available for $5 or meals for $8 next Tuesday at 6:30pmish Aaron wants people to stop leaving their projects on the side benches. Nog wants people to put their names on project invites so we know who to approach about it. Victor has started the Kickstarter Campaign and has posters available for people to take and put up at uni or any of their outlets. It will have all sorts of rewards that are suitable for anyone, so direct all your friends to like the page. Aaron wants the Kickstarter to reduce target to $5000 cause it's more likely to be reached. Victor says NO. Others agree to reduce it. Luke- there are projects that anyone can help out with around the space so come and alk to him if you'd like to help.