2015-06-16 AGM

Open 20:00
Close 21:30
Author Stephanie Piper
Signed Karl Richardson
Tally 29


Meeting Notes

“ Since last AGM we've gone from 340 likes on Facebook to over 860, which is a 250% increase. We are around 200 likes away from overtaking the entire Northshore precinct, and we are the number 2 hackerspace in Australia, behind The Perth Artifactory.
Comparing the last 3 months to this time last year… 10 items totalling 42 likes, vs 24 items totalling 484 likes. 2.4x more content being added, getting 11.5 times more likes. Reach of these two periods: our visibility reach went from totalling 1,744 viewers at an average of 174 per post, to 13,413 viewers at an average of 559 per post. That's an increase of 7.7x viewers and 3.2x average per post. This doesn't include events like our Kickstarter which was a paid campaign hitting over 8,000 for our launch announcement, nor does it include other big ones that went semi-viral and each had many thousands, peaking at almost 9000 for one post that wasn't a paid campaign. Now for some of our website stats via Google Analytics… We only started collecting data on 9 May 2014. Comparing June 2014 to May 2015: we went from 698 sessions to 2,229 sessions, a 3.2x increase. Unique users went from 477 to 1,837, a 3.9x increase. Interesting facts for our website: 86% of users are desktop, 12% mobile, 2% tablet. Overall 70% are Chrome users, 10% Firefox, 9% Safari, and IE is only 4.04%. IE = error 404: not found. Also, more people are using FirefoxOS than Windows Phone OS, heh. Google Adwords: it only started to get vaguely used when I had time to set up some basic stuff at the beginning of February, and even now it's still very basic and needs a lot more attention. But in that time we've had 21,973 impressions, 323 clicks from paid ads, which is equivalent to Google giving us $282.71 of advertising for free. This still needs more work. Where we go from here: I'd like to overtake Northshore on Facebook. I'd like to improve the quality of our Facebook photos/updates to increase engagement even more. I'd like our Adwords the be better maintained with feedback being used to improve our website, especially via linking Adwords and Google Webmaster Tools. I'd like to double traffic to our website again. How to get there: I say this a lot because it needs to be done basically every week: we need more/always will need more more original content of things done/made at the space with better photos and links to forum build logs about things people do. They don't even have to be complicated stuff - things that look interesting also rank pretty well! @rut4ger walking out of a smokey room had a reach of 1,300 people, and skipping rope with some LED neon rope hit 2,600 people. The website needs much more content added via the wiki, with the two linking each other a lot. Pages on the wiki/website about individual areas and tools that we can use for improving Adwords targeting (eg a whole page about 3D printing and our printers). I'd like someone to spearhead the Adwords campaign - this is an AMAZING opportunity to learn how to use Adwords. You're not reading a textbook but playing with a live system with ACTUAL (donated) money and ads. You will literally never get a better opportunity sandbox than this. We can claim up to $10,000/month (seriously!) worth of free ads if we design the campaigns well.