Space Re-allocation update: We recieved a map from the landlord indicating that some of the machine shop will also be used as space for other community groups such as Team Arrow. Further discussions with both parties in the coming week will clarify.
Treasurer wanted: Currently Luke Hovington has temporary stepped back into the role, but we need someone
ASAP to step into the role. No experience needed, just general organisation skills. Please email for more information.
Caxton's Update: Will be re-doing quorum rules to make sure that everyone who would like a vote gets a vote to make sure we can maintain quorum at meetings.
Upcoming Working bee: This weekend, to install insulation and remove junkpile
More inductors wanted: If you would like to become an inductor, sit in on the 6.00pm weekly inductions.
Announcement RE Communications at HSBNE and Being Excellent: Make sure you let someone know if something is broken.
Proposals to buy the following:
Reimburse Steph $139.00 for large HSBNE exhibition banner: Unanimous Y
Replacement scroll saw flex drive shaft, its $38 + $12 shipping in the event that damage is not covered by warranty: Unanimous Y
$200 budget to overhaul tool storage/organization in the green room to make it easier to find and return tools: Lysa motions to increase budget to $300, Nog seconds. Unanimous Y.
Chopsaw, Irwin 305mm 60T, Bunnings Item Number: 6352033 for $81.48 Unanimous 1 Abstaining
Blade for little table saw: Irwin 254mm Aluminium/plastic/PVC blade, 80T, Bunnings Item Number: 6350019, $79.10 Unanimous Y
Bandsaw Blade, Starrett BP-250, 1712 x 6mm 6TPI, Machinery House Item Number: W417B, $13.20: Unanimous Y
x3 replacement scrollsaw blades, $40.70: Unanimous Y
Other Announcements:
Bunnings has been booked in March 2016 for a BBQ. DIY workshops will also be held for that weekend, need some ideas for one more kids workshop.
SupaNova Brisbane is coming up on Nov 27-29. Finished projects wanted for display! Talk to Timeka and Chang-Yi