Treasurer's Report: $22k in bank, will be paying power bills in near future.
LT2 Update: Karl has made a sign for LT2's new building and the table is completed.
LT2 Membership: Propose 20% discount as part of partnership: Unanimous Y
Men's Shed & Team Arrow Update: Three shipping containers were dropped off on Monday for each group. Lease discussions still yet to occur.
Proposal to reimburse Alan for trailer lights: Unanimous Y
Executive Discretionary Funds: Proposal to allow $400 per month to replace presidential descretionary with majority of executive and treasurer approval for any purchases. 28 Y, 1N, 3 Abstaining.
Brendan Halliday motions to accept all financial items for the previous meeting. Sven Hanzka seconds.
Draft Quorum Policy: Discussions still on forum, solution will be voted upon on the 3rd of November general meeting.
New Treasurer needed