Treasurer's Report: 22K in bank
Financial Vote: Increase internet budget to $150 monthly. All in favour.
Financial Vote: Reimburse nog3 AU $39.10 for HP11 Plotter Inkjet Heads. All in favour.
$200 for per cause for relocation expenses: All in favour, 1 abstaining.
Membership Signups: Process Clarification - Any prospective members must sign up using the 'Join us' section of the website before induction so we have their information on record.
Purchase Proposal for timber shelves: Disussion has been postponed.
Financial Vote: Brad Nailer for $80: All in favour, 1 opposed and 1 abstaining.
Financial Vote: Biscuit Joiner for $149: All in favour, 1 abstaining.
Financial Vote: Glue gun - No supporting votes as HSBNE already has glue supplies.
Cleaning: No food scraps in the bins, collect it up and take it to the outside bin.