-Treasurer's Report (Rolled over from previous meeting): $22 K in bank.
Members reminded that toilets are now shared and that the door down the end of the toilet hallway needs to be secured at any time other than Open events.
Cause rules vote postponed until all discussion notes are incorporated into the rewritten policy for voting.
Financial Vote: Spindle sander at $550.05: None against, none abstaining, all in favour.
Financial Vote: Plumbing Craft Punk and Digital Fabrication for compressed air at $140 budget: None against, none abstaining, all in favour.
Financial Vote: 120 Strandbeest Kits for World Science Festival $1500 budget: None against, 1 abstaining.
Financial Vote: Supanova Prep and Stall Costs $500 budget: None against, none abstaining, all in favour.
Financial Vote: Skip to throw away mess in the Quad. $360 budget: None against, none abstaining, all in favour.
Policy Vote: Doom Shelves policy implementation: None against, 1 abstain .