2016-06-14 OMGWTFBBQ, Silversmithing, and Beer

Open 20:00
Close 20:37
Author Dave Seff
Signed Unsigned
Tally 26


Meeting Notes

North shore mens shed greetings for this weekend's BBQ. General member survey on how causes are managed. QR code system can be implimented on tools and consumables. Wiki Help pages can be created and edited by members. Tig welder - Needs 3 months worth of inductions. Big CNC (Hulk) is now working modifyer working bee - This weekend making art, painting, and other artsy type things Need proper inductions for causes. proposed one class per month on specific tools. Proposed freezing cause funds until inductions can be made.

Treasury report Have 21,000


Tig Welder - $600AU - motion passed - 3 votes no


James/Beau/Sven - Big CNC (Hulk) Exec staff ! James for helping build 3D printer Steph for classroom remodel. Anyone who cleans.