Change Exchange appears to be lacking of the appropriate amount of funds, if it is not reimbursed appropriately it will be removed
SpaceBucks system is fully functional
There is a new grant that we are applying for; the Stronger Communities grant provides a matched funding grant for approved applicants to subsidise the purchase of equipment
In regards to the proposed roof over the blacksmithing area, commercial-grade units can be sourced for $3500, Lloyds Auctions have units for cheaper; Buzz has sourced a unit for $1650, and we will be checking with the landlord in regards to height approvals
There is an open day, as well as a working bee to clear the hardstand this Saturday (5/8)
Woodshop has gained approval for the container and to remove the annex room, a working bee for this will be forthcoming
Dave Seff has stepped down from the position of cause leader for the Metal Shop; Drew Spriggs has taken up this role.
More classes for the final half of the year need to be scheduled, 10% of proceeds from these shall be paid to the Space.
Metal Shop Working Bee report - we have thrown out a lot of garbage in the metal shop, as well as chasing people in regards to outstanding projects; the plans are to move the hot work to the far end of the shop and the cold work to the end closer to the Wood Shop; once we have toom we will be looking at new tooling