Meeting Opened: 20:02 Meeting Closed: 20:31 Author: Michael King Signed: Alex Wixted
Attending Members
Michael King
Timothy Reichle
Michael Morrison
Julie Kernick
Gabrielle Hewitt
Henry Jobson
Scott Wilson
Jarod Saunders
Aaron Bycroft
Joshua Hogendorn
David Bussenschutt
Azarel Howard
Brad Johnson
Ian Redmond
James Churchill
Steve Jordan
Paula O'Donnell
Emily Taylor
Mike Ando
Brendan Halliday
Lucas Oldfield
James Beecham
Craig Hudson-Taylor
Jaimyn Mayer
Peter Davis (Proxy)
Meeting Notes
General discussion - member storage tubs – exec to source new tubs, add to induction booklet
Digifab meeting after general
Automotive meeting 8pm 29th
Lease discussion
Monthly PCB orders, for info see nog
Keep the cause areas clean and presentable, hold events
Treasury Report
~$4500 to spend.
Vending Machine purchase ($400) - operates, proposal to purchase machine and current stock; 1 against, 6 abstaining, passed.
Amendment to VM consumable budget to add vending machine - no change to amount; 0 against,0 abstaining, passed.
Mystery Box Rally team - provide cause classes for automotive in exchange for storage and workspace for rally vehicle, hard limit 17th August for exit, will seek approval for storage with landlord and deposit; 0 against , 2 abstaining, passed.
Thanks to Doc for turning off the server light, loaning of storage box