Meeting Opened: 20:09 Meeting Closed: 20:21 Author: Michael King Signed: Alex Wixted
Attending Members
Michael King
Jaimyn Mayer
Joshua Hogendorn
David Bussenschutt
Sven Hanzka
Timothy Reichle
Drew Spriggs
Emily Taylor
Pierce Baranoff
James Churchill
Lincoln Phillips
Antony Beecham
Jarod Saunders
Gabrielle Hewitt
Paula O'Donnell
Alex Wixted
Aaron Bycroft
Chris Noonan
Tim Owen
Brad Johnson
Mike Ando
Steve Jordan
Blair Calderara
Craig Hudson-Taylor
Meeting Notes
Mystery Box Rally raising money for Cancer Council, working around space, running courses for automotive cause, can come to help with mystery box
HSBNE@SeaWorld 9:30a Saturday
Treasury Report
~$2000 to spend.
Colour Laser MFC - replace ailing unit, a3 version upwards of 4k; 1 against, 2 abstaining, passed.
Replacement shop-vac that died - trips circuit breaker when used, need to replace unit as motor is cactus, may need to replace other units as required; 1 against, 1 abstaining, passed.
Thanks for assistance with woodshop ducting work, esp. Craig
Thanks to CraftPunk members for updating and cleaning cause
Thanks to Chris Noonan for Scouts Recycling System contacts