Meeting Opened: 20:05 Meeting Closed: 20:23 Author: Michael King Signed: Alex Wixted
Attending Members
Gabrielle Hewitt
Lincoln Phillips
Hamish Macintosh
Jaimyn Mayer
Craig Rea
Dave Seff
Aaron Bycroft
James Churchill
Sven Hanzka
Brad Johnson
Eris Ryan
Timothy Reichle
Ian Redmond
Ben Hussey
Craig Hudson-Taylor
Meka Beecham
Alan Webb
Joshua Hogendorn
Christine Morrow
Paula o'Donnell
Scott Wilson
Michael King
Meeting Notes
Proposal to purchase sheet router upcoming
More regular working bees to be set for site upkeep
EOI for lightning talks for home automation, panelists sought on thread
Treasury Report
~$3000 for spending.
3ph Bandsaw ($700 from general) - has been requested by metal shop, industrial quality unit, deposit has been paid from exec discretionary; 1 against , 8 abstaining, 15 for; 8 against, 5 abstaining, 12 for; passed (METAL SHOP TO VOTE TO REIMBURSE FUNDS)
New overlocker in craftpunk, thanks to Gabby for putting in the footwork, Aaron for transport