2019-04-02 - Anvil Purchase for Blacksmithing, Working Bees
Meeting Opened: 20:07 Meeting Closed: 20:24 Author: Michael King Signed: Alex Wixted
Attending Members
Michael King
Emily Taylor
Eris Ryan
Jaimyn Mayer
Dave Seff
Chris Noonan
James Churchill
Alex Wixted
Timothy Reichle
Fionn Volkov
Meka Beecham
Paula O'Donnell
Jonathan Walener
Mike Ando
Scott Wilson
Alan Webb
Lincoln Phillips
Brad Johnson
Joshua Hogendorn
Gabrielle Hewitt
Ian Redmond
Brendan Halliday
Meeting Notes
Working Bees for space - Sunday 14th April, Saturday 4th May, Sunday 19th May; in addition to woodshop upgrade works fortnightly on Sundays (see thread)
Missing screwdriver set (donated and engraved), please return these items ASAP.
Home Automation talks postponed
Lease discussions, looking promising
Tool borrowng, notify exec if required but not encouraged.