Meeting Opened: 20:04 Meeting Closed: 20:32 Author: Michael King Signed: Alex Wixted
Attending Members
Michael King
Lincoln Phillips
Timothy Reichle
Dave Seff
Tim Owen
Joshua Hogendorn
Craig Hudson-Taylor
Emily Taylor
Gabrielle Hewitt
Aaron Bycroft
Miles Whiticker
Eris Ryan
Chris Noonan
Sven Hanzka
James Churchill
Lucas Oldfield
Steve Jordan
James Beecham
Alex Wixted
Jaimyn Mayer
Craig Rea
Jonathan Wagener
Brendan Halliday
Meeting Notes
AGM Announced for 14/5/2019
Working Bees, need people to show up; looking to have set times of month to run (e.g. Saturday Open Days, at 10? def. prior to open hours), will be conducted on Saturday Open Days
Proposal for 2 non-official positions (Social Media and Assistant Treasurer)
Cause Leader positions up for grabs at AGM = Toolbox Talks for general meetings, can be used to reinforce learnings, discuss tooling/projects
Treasury Report
2500 for use in general, 12k in available funds
Dexion Pallet Racking - storage under second canopy, cost-effective to buy and modify, proposal for 10 bays of racking for $1100 (better than second-hand costs); 0 against, 4 abstaining, passed.
R&D for Door/Window sensors - (see threadpost), non-permanent fixtures to track status of closeables; 0 against, 2 against, passed.
Thanks to Jacques for office works
Thanks to Drew and Louis for picking up new metal bandsaw
Thanks to woodshop cause for continual improvements to area