2019-05-07 - AGM is coming up
Meeting Opened
: 20:05
Meeting Closed
: 20:13
: Michael King
: Alex Wixted
Attending Members
Michael King
Alex Wixted
Gabrielle Hewitt
Aaron Bycroft
Jarod Saunders
James Churchill
Sven Hanzka
Scott Wilson
Brendan Halliday
Lucas Oldfield
James Beecham
Steve Jordan
Mike Ando
Meka Beecham
Dave Seff
Brad Johnson
Lincoln Phillips
Ryan Marple
Meeting Notes
Reminder of AGM, please put your nominations for positions on the forum
Reminder that community events only work if the community are involved, e.g. working bees, classes etc.
MovieWorld event coming up
Treasury Report
No voting items so not required.
No voting items.
Thanks to Brendan for Electronics Bench overhaul
Thanks to Jacques for Electronics Tower
Thanks to all nominations for Executive