Meeting Opened: 20:08
Meeting Closed: 20:37
Author: Gabrielle Hewitt
Signed: Alex Wixted
Alex: Modifyre Partnership
Modifyre Partnership - 0 Opposed; 6 Abstaining; Motion Passed
Meka: $300 for x3 Sewing Machines
The specified sewing machines came up on sale at Aldi, which are said to be good as they are rebranded Janome machines, Meka compared to his own same model Janome machine and it's identical but the Aldi's model is $100 each on special and the Janome equivalent is $300.
Proposal is to buy 3 machines so Craftpunk will then have 5 machines available
Classes could be then run with having enough similar machines available.
When asked if parts are easily obtainable, they machines are identical to the Elna, so parts can be sourced. Another member has bought some before and found the machines hardy.
Aldi has warranty where if a breakage occurs one can return the machine and get their money back.
The machines have already been purchased when asked if they happen to still be in stock. Since they sell out quickly Meka bought the machines with the intention to be reimbursed if vote passes or return for refund if the vote fails.
It was stated that craftpunk had a meeting in which it was stated that they don't intend to spend any of their budget on new items, which is why Meka put it to the general membership to come from the general funds.
Inquiry was made as to who will be taking responsibility for the equipment. Eg; Wiki update, instructions/induction materials, machine setup. Meka claimed responsibility for them.
Craftpunk Sewing Machines - 4 Opposed; 7 Abstaining; Motion Passed
Craig: HSBNE Housekeeping
There is a new wiki page for the space consumables, add any that might have been missed and it will be updated with added information for ordering more and stock levels. (eg tape, toilet paper, allen keys, cleaning products.
Emily is helping organise this, but is looking at more people to help out so message her. Finn volunteered.
Plan to sit down with each cause leader and discuss what items should be counted.
Need a stocktake for insurance purposes, but also clean out unneeded stuff, loaned items or trash.
Agenda Topics Change
Wishing to add the following topics to the regular agenda;
Item Maintenance tasks: identifying maintenance that needs to be done
Improvement tasks: “hey we could do this…” (how we can improved and what we can do to achieve this)
Upcoming events: things that are approaching over the next few weeks announced two meetings before the event date.
The first two are mostly keeping the information out there, anything brought up could be added to the trello boards.
Was pointed out that the Maintenance tasks and Improvement tasks could be grouped, however was rebutted with maintenance being routine things, whilst improvement would be requests. However another point was that these would be negated with proper use of the trello board.