2019-06-11 - Electric Forklift, Bylaws Change, Hulk Retirement

Open 8:13pm
Close 8:38pm
Author Gabrielle Hewitt
Signed Alex Wixted
Tally Unknown


Members Present



Treasury Report

Treasurer's report $6500 in general funds

Meeting Notes

Battery charger for Electric Forklift brought up by Beau Sandford Permanently mounting it to the forklift - Mick 0 opposed 1 abstaining motion passed

Josh's proposed rule changes Summary; in order to change a policy one must do a writeup to present to the membership. Agenda items not requiring a vote can be brought up in general business, and anything that does needs 5  Motioned passed to vote as a block of text Against 0 abstaining 1 motion passed

Office of fair trading to make valid Jaimyns rule changes

Gone over the rule changes again Specific point objections 0 Vote to pass as a block 0 Opposed 1 Abstaining: motion passed 0 Opposed  3 Abstaining  motion passed 

Hulk retirement Is the big green machine Requires a large volume of knowledge and massive learning curve Newer cnc machines dont rquire as large knowledge bank Discuss further on the forums

Cause meeting in the next few weeks

General Business
