2019-09-03 - Power Hammer, Cleaning service, RFID readers, Power Consumption tracker

Open 8:06pm
Close 8:48pm
Author Gabrielle Hewitt
Signed Alex Wixted
Tally Unknown


Members Present

Gabrielle Hewitt

Gabriel Camp appointing Joshua Hogendorn as proxy
Duncan Shingles-Riley appointing Alex Wixted as proxy

Treasury Report

Total amount $57,000 Available funds: $19,000

Meeting Notes

Nathan, asking a question about financials where there is

Alan $8000, where $1500 from forge fund the rest from general. But the proposed one sold. 40kg weight power hammer. Proposal for a 3 month allocation on the budget to find another one Opposed: 4 Abstaining: 4; Motion Passed

Nog Budget of $100 for Opposed: 0 Abstaining: 0; Motion Passed

Emily Commercial Cleaning Cleaning service or not? Opposed: 1 Abstaining: 0; Motion Passed Which one? Budget of up to x amount for fortnightly cleaning. $300 a month for cleaning budget Opposed: 1 Abstaining: 2; Motion Passed

Nog Budget $100, where lights being off is apart of the lockup procedure; Glow in the dark on the light switch covers. Alex; No sparky is required to install Opposed 0: Abstaining: 0; Motion Passed

General Business

lucas 18650s for grabs Nog Different forums up and needing input Greenroom building refresh 2019 Going over his idea Second point for cause leaders and executive members to be not allowed to be same member discussion thread. Gabrielle Reminder for discussion for agenda items needs to be discussed on the forum posts not in the meetings. Also a reminder to raise hands to talk than to talk over each other Discussion on meetings events jaimyn Zigbee network screen for lockup procedures screen reminder Lightswitch markings on the map - meka Josh Woodshop cause meeting happening after the meeting josh Next week contributors meeting for members for contributing to the space, what's working well and what's not. If you cannot come to the first meeting then you wont be able to attend future meetings

New members:
