Meeting Opened: 20:08
Meeting Closed: 20:35
Author: Emily Taylor
Signed: Alex Wixted
Attending Member count: 20
EDQ gave a rough draft of new plans for a start in the next quarter next year. Fenclines will be moved. Also looking to build communal BBQ area in the middle of the quad to discourage vehicles in the quad.
As some of you may be aware, one of the plans for the metal shop is to set up a sheet metal section in the metal shop. The main foundation machines needed for this is a pan break bender, guillotine and spot welder. I would therefore like to propose $1800 for materials for the building of a 1250 x 1.6mm magnabend (pan break bender) as a first machine for the sheet metal section of the metal shop. These machines are selling on machines4u for $5275 AGAINST COUNT, ABSTAINING COUNT 2. MOTION PASSED
* Aaron Riddle