$800 for purchasing the coffee machines in the lobby. AGAINST COUNT 3, ABSTAINING COUNT 4. MOTION PASSED
Amendment to Infrastructure cause policy Re funding model. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 2. MOTION PASSED
$705 one-off budget to restock First Aid kits. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
$200 budget to purchase 3 unifi nanoswitches. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
$1000 budget for 5 Unfi-G cameras. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 1. MOTION PASSED
Vote to retire the HSBNE Facebook members group. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
Formatting of HSBNE email addresses to be standardised to first_name.last_name@hsbne.org. AGAINST COUNT 1, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
$400 for the following items for Hildi the CNC mill: Tooling plate, facemill arbour, air hose fittings, replacement coolant hose. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
$200 Proposal for Test’n’Tag Custom Tags. AGAINST COUNT, ABSTAINING COUNT 2. MOTION PASSED
$2,000 budget for kiln upgrade and maintenance: 180-200 metres of nichrome wire, kiln cement, Orange Pi. AGAINST COUNT 2, ABSTAINING COUNT 3. MOTION PASSED
$1500 budget to purchase more hardware for building at least another 20 interlocks. AGAINST COUNT, ABSTAINING COUNT 1. MOTION PASSED
General Announcements
We have applied to the Hackerspace grant to release more funds earlier
Big push to make things accessible, working and documented, money to be focused on making things usable
Josh has had a meeting with EDQ/CBRE about future plans for the site
Waiting until works are confirmed to go for a lease
Cause leaders have been asked for a plan for the next three months for working, accessible and documented tools
Thanks to Brendan for installing the new classroom Wifi
Congratulations to Jaimyn on his engagement to Aidan!!!
Thanks to the Woodshop crew for improvements to the space
Thanks to Dave and Eris for their work on the Metalshop CNC machine
Thanks to Josh for his legwork in getting the Woodshop CNC machine onsite
Thanks greatly for the virtual meeting room, it helps us to be there without being there
Thanks to Jaimyn for his work on making the space more telecommuting friendly