Chair: Josh H

Signed: Dave Seff

Opened: 20:08

Closed: 21:08


Treasury report - Cash around 12K - Spacebucks are offsetting cash income for vending

Announcements - Getting started back up for the year. Had a meeting with CBRE. They propose a lease to last till EOY 2022. We are pushing back on unreasonable rules being suggested by CBRE. Have 20+ outstanding items including electrical. - Projects in flight

  1. Josh working on the portal. New help function added to portal.
  2. Eris working on arranging a working bee for the Kitchen.
  3. Forge back wall being worked on
  4. Ryan working on the YAG laser ( cooling and optics ) + Magnabend
  5. Tim working on the lounge.

- Pricing change is now in effect - We are transitioning everything to the new pricing structure as voted on by the membership in the town hall meeting. If you are a member looking to keep your rate, January is your grace period to become current. - Retiring of Causes - As we are now transitioning the organisation, causes that did not become teams are fully defunct and we will be shutting down anything remaining, such as discord channels, forum categories etc. These are the ones that do not have teams:

  1. Electronics
  2. Craft Punk
  3. Automotive

- These areas still exist, and there is interest. we are keen to have teams form around these areas, so please if you have any interest in these areas continuing to be available please come forward to help out and form a team. - COV19 and Omicron - Executive would like to remind members that if you have any symptoms, or are a close contact to please stay home. Lets look after our fellow makers and creatives while we are at HSBNE. Please follow all QLD Health directives.

Event Updates


General Business - Community Gambling Benefit Fund 2022 Round 113 - Super Round - Typically the CGBF is for amounts up to $35,000 but this is a ‘Super round’ where we can apply for up to $100,000. We applied for round 111 and were denied, which makes us eligible for this round.

Thanks - Josh and Ryan for painting the old air compressor.