General Meeting 10 October 2023
Meeting opened at 0809 by Ale Morè with Acknowledgement of Country
Cash at Bank: ~ $6,900 general account ~ $14,000 savings account ~ $5,500 legal account ~ $300 budgetly account
Large refund of $1100 pending
Income: $3500 monthly recurring revenue $68/month average per subscriber
Subscribers: Currently 51 in stripe; 2 in direct payments; Down from about 70 last month; and 100 at peak;
Current outgoings/liabilities Paint Factory $1435 / month; need invoice for payment Other misc outgoings ~$300 / month
There was no president's or secretary's report.
Regular general meeting every 2nd tuesday of the month Every other tuesday will be an informal meeting with updates about goings on
General consensus is that online meetings are the most effective way, so will continue in this way Social meetings via weekend barbeque every week; alternating between Saturdays and Sundays Next progress meeting will be online but also at Kyia Bourne’s community space located at Red Hill. Details to be announced on the forums. Trial date on 17th October; 4pm - 8pm Fees apply for security.. Fee TBD.
Call for volunteers to post details for general and other meetings. Technically should be performed by the Secretary, but needs delegation when not available. Chris Curran should formally delegate. Action Duncan Greer to follow up with Chris Curran. Steve Jordan to put up meeting notices.
Duncan Greer to check in with Andrew White re: Mens Shed update, and follow up with Cr Atwood. Report back via forums by end of the week.
Ale Morè - Provided synopsis of email. Noted that Paint Factory seems to be a dead end.
Joshua Hogendorn - Insolvency horizon - have reached the point where signing a commercial lease is not feasible. Only option at this point is a low cost facility. Need to have a big focus on how we can operate going forward.
Ale Morè noted that he provided an activation strategy post on the forum. @all Please review and comment.
Meeting with Frank Pearce on afternoon of 10 October 2023 Key outcomes
Formal meeting closed at 9.16pm