Forge Team Meeting 19/06/2022
Meeting opened: 11:11am
Alex Wixted
Fraser Patterson
Zach Forrester
Zac Marcus
Jess Wessling gives her apologies for being unable to make today.
Volunteer Duties - All completed
Updates on Projects
Swage block stand working on getting the rotating pin & block to fit nicely before final fit up
Zac has begun documenting tools for the wiki, will move onto chemicals etc once mostly up to date.
Power Hammer bottom pallet has had the appropriate taper machined into the dovetail, can now be fitted to the hammer. Next fix is to replace the power cable with a large cross section cable, reduce voltage drop to the motor.
Fraser has begun work on the scrap metal stillage.
Maintenance Update
Voting items - none
General Business
Thank yous
Thank you to Zach @Zac_Crow for keeping the Forge area swept
Thank you to Fraser @Zanshin for maintaining the gas consumables
Thank you to Ryan @Ryan1 for his help milling the the power hammer pallet
Meeting closed :11:30