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Silhouette SD Vinyl Cutter and Graphtec RoboCutter

Aliases “Vinyl Cutter”
Other References
Official Maintainer Paula O'Donnell

Current Status


Machine has some issue but is usable. Software to drive the machines is not super user-friendly. Will cut text fairly easily. Still trying to work out how to cut graphics.


This machine is generally available to use.


In the studio software, set the “page setup” to AUTO (Silhouette SD) which should set most settings, you will need to use custom if you are not using 206mm width vinyl. To import your graphics, go to Inkscape and open your drawing. Select FILE, SAVE AS. choose where to save your file but save as a “Desktop cutting plotter AutoDesk R14” .dxf file. now simply drag and drop your .dxf file onto the Silhouette Studio blank page. It will automatically mirror your drawing so the sticky side of your vinyl will be right-was-around. load your vinyl in the front of the machine with a piece of paper under it. On the machine select ENTER to “Unload media” and again to “load media”, ensure correct alignment. On your computer, select FILE>SEND TO SILHOUETTE or click SEND button in top right corner of screen. Press “Unload media” then guillotine off your sticker once complete. Use a scalpel to pull up the corner of any sticker segment you want to remove.

Required Enclosed shoes are required throughout HSBNE. No open sandals, thongs etc.


Machine Specifications

PLACEHOLDER: Please fill out this table with all relevant machine specifications. The manufacturers website usually gives a good list. Delete this line.

Name Value
Vinyl Width 206mm
Max width A3
DC Voltage 24VDC



PLACEHOLDER: Document the manufacturer, things like contact person names, emails, phone numbers, product urls etc. Document the reseller we bought from, and any other sources for similar things. Delete this line.




Known Identical Models


Known Issues

Date Description Workaround Proposed Remediation
01/12/2020 The vinyl roll sometimes slips Place a piece of regular paper under the vinyl for most of the distance of your cuts buy a newer machine or use wider vinyl sheets

Modifications / Repair History

Date Modified By Description Remediation Cost
01/01/2020 PLACEHOLDER NAME PLACEHOLDER Describe what happened PLACEHOLDER Describe how it was fixed or modified PLACEHOLDER document the cost of the change


Image Category Accessory Name & Notes Location Buy from
PLACEHOLDER Image, 100 width PLACEHOLDER Category of accessory PLACEHOLDER Accessory Name
PLACEHOLDER Description and usage notes for accessory
PLACEHOLDER Describe location of accessory PLACEHOLDER Link to where it was bought from

Consumables & Running Costs

Image Category Accessory Name & Notes Location Buy from
PLACEHOLDER Image, 100 width PLACEHOLDER Category of consumable PLACEHOLDER Consumable Name
PLACEHOLDER Consumable description and usage
PLACEHOLDER Description of where the consumable is stored PLACEHOLDER Link to where it can be bought


Interval Task
Annual ensure it works and is clean. When required, replace cutting tool tip as per manual.


Task / Action Executive Cause Leader
Cause Team
Named Maintainer Trainers Cause Membership Implementer
Modification and Repairs - AC C I I I R
Induction changes C RACI RC I I I R

Risk Matrix and Mitigation

PLACEHOLDER: Risk assessment is important to ensure we are making tools available to members in a responsible fashion. Please make every effort to do a reasonable risk assessment. If there is a safety incident with the tool, please redo a risk assessment and add it to the table.

Ref / ID Pre-Mitigation Mitigations / Warnings / Remedies Post Mitigation
Risk Risk Severity Risk Likelyhood Risk Level Risk Severity Risk Likelyhood Risk Level Acceptable to Proceed
0001 PLACEHOLDER DEATH Intolerable Probable 11 PLACEHOLDER Induction to train users in correct usage Low Improbable 1

Decision Register

PLACEHOLDER: A decision register is for general documentation when some decision is made regarding the tool. To change its location, mode of operation, to buy an accessory, to replace something, to change how it operates etc. Delete this line.

Ref / ID Decision Details Impact Proposed Date Proposed By Status Approved By Date Resulting Actions and Comments
0000 Example decision Provides an example 08/08/20 JH Approved JH 08/08/20 A line was put in the register