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Run a Membership Induction

This page is intended as a high level overview of what members need to know about the site, safety and our culture from the Induction process.

These are the dot points on the induction form, let's go through them.

  • Understands how to use the fire facilities
  • Is aware of the first aid facilities
  • Knows how to safely evacuate the campus in an emergency
  • Aware of the HSBNE induction process for equipment, as well as general safety
  • Understands the Ticket, Doom Shelves and Boneyard system
  • Aware of the Donation and Loans system
  • The executive has ensured this member is invited to all HSBNE communications systems.
  • Knows where to find the most up-to-date information on HSBNE.
  • Understands what it means to be a member of HSBNE in ethos
  • Knows the infraction & dispute resolution process
  • howto/membershipinductions.1586570496
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • by