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howto:changeexecutive [2024/08/19 23:03]
howto:changeexecutive [2024/08/19 23:09] (current)
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 ==== How to change executive ==== ==== How to change executive ====
-This is the documentation for what happens ​after a new executive member has been elected at an AGM+So you have been elected to an executive position... ​This is everything that needs to happen ​after you have been elected at an AGM 
 +  * General 
 +    * Secretary gives new secretary HSBNE Inc documents 
 +    * Change of details relating to an incorporated association (Form 10a) must be filled in for each changing exec (https://​www.publications.qld.gov.au/​dataset/​28652d53-7a53-4690-afd6-4abc77a2c7d7/​resource/​c03f3c80-d6d3-4381-99cb-8243c9780057) 
 +  * Bank 
 +    * One of the old exec and the 3 new exec must go to the bank to change signatories 
 +    * Get new bank cards and cancel bank cards for old exec 
 +  * 1Password 
 +    * Old exec assigns access permissions to new exec and old exec is removed 
 +  * Google 
 +    * Old exec assigns access permissions to new exec 
 +    * Admin Console > Groups > 00 Executive > Manage Members > remove old and add new exec 
-  * Secretary gives new secretary HSBNE Inc documents 
-  * One of the old exec and the 3 new exec must go to the bank to change signatories 
-  * Get new bank cards and cancel old bank cards 
-  * Change of details relating to an incorporated association (Form 10a) must be filled in for each changing exec (https://​www.publications.qld.gov.au/​dataset/​28652d53-7a53-4690-afd6-4abc77a2c7d7/​resource/​c03f3c80-d6d3-4381-99cb-8243c9780057) 
  • howto/changeexecutive
  • Last modified: 5 weeks ago
  • by zacmarcus