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meetings:general:2018:20180508 [2020/04/11 12:01] (current)
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 +===== 2018-05-08 General Business =====
 +Open 20:​06\\ ​
 +Close 20:12\\
 +Author Michael King\\ ​
 +Signed Alex Wixted\\
 +Tally 18\\
 +  * Michael King
 +  * Scott Wilson
 +  * Blair Calderara
 +  * James Beecham
 +  * Meka Beecham
 +  * Mike Ando
 +  * Drew Spriggs
 +  * Nathan Beveridge
 +  * Brendan Halliday
 +  * Ian Haly
 +  * David Bussenschutt
 +  * Timothy Reichle
 +  * Julie Kernick
 +  * Mike Morrison
 +  * Nicholas Clews
 +  * Joshua Hogendorn
 +  * Alex Wixted
 +  * James Churchill ​
 +===== Agenda =====
 +  * Butchers'​ Paper
 +===== Meeting Notes =====
 +  * There will be a Cause Leaders'​ Meeting after the general meeting to discuss the further progess of the causes
 +  * Please empty the bins in the Green Room if they are full.
 +===== Treasury Report =====
 +  * No treasury report given
 +===== Votes =====
 +  * Butchers'​ Paper - This is useful for conducting brainstorming sessions, as well as pattern work for clothing and costumes; 1 opposed, 1 abstained, ****motion passed****.
 +===== Thanks =====
 +  * Thanks to Mike for repairs to the vending machines
 +  * Thanks to Drew for making a new sign for the toilets
 +  * Thanks to all that assisted with extracting the blue bench from the woodshop
 +  * Thanks to Ian Redmond for the new keytracker
 +  * Thanks to Brendan for the repairs to the site WiFi
  • meetings/general/2018/20180508
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • (external edit)