General Meeting Minutes for 2013
2013-11-26 Green room review, tool review, financial update, lost property, member induction kits, woofer changes, electrical work, further laser cutter discussion.
2013-10-20 Re-election of executive since step-downs. Compressor Budget, Woofer discussion
2013-08-20 Exclusive usage of the hackerspace, memberships to 1st day of month, laser cutter and printer budgets
2013-06-25 Sean's Membership Termination, plus other minor business.
2013-06-11 Tim's Dad's trailer & Joshuas Tap set
2013-05-21 AGM 2013.
2013-05-07 HSBNE Rules/Bylaws, Membership for Work, Payment Processing
2013-04-23 Purchase of SNARCs
2013-04-02 Lathe tooling/fluid, new website, cleaning supplies, bins, filastruder.
2013-01-15 Discussion around membership issues, coworking rooms, member storage, vandalism,