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causes:metalworking [2020/12/14 08:14]
causes:metalworking [2020/12/14 09:16]
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 +<WRAP 50% center round important>​
 +**This wiki is incomplete and still under construction.**
 +This box will be deleted after approval of this page by cause leader Craig.
 ====== Metalworking Cause ====== ====== Metalworking Cause ======
 <​panel>​ <​panel>​
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 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 ===== Cause Area Expectations ===== ===== Cause Area Expectations =====
 +* Think safety first. Wear correct PPE.\\
 +* Plan your work piece and work steps. Check here or on Discord that the tools you need are in the shop.\\
 +* Get inducted and double check work steps for safe practices.\\
 * Leave the area as clean or cleaner than you found it.\\ * Leave the area as clean or cleaner than you found it.\\
 * Only use tools in the way they are intended to be used.\\ * Only use tools in the way they are intended to be used.\\
-* Only use tools you know how to use or have been inducted on.\\ 
 * Ask for help or guidance when you need it.\\ * Ask for help or guidance when you need it.\\
 * Respect that some members may not want to break their focus to talk or answer questions. The exception to this rule is in the case of dangerous or disrespectful tool use and emergencies.\\ * Respect that some members may not want to break their focus to talk or answer questions. The exception to this rule is in the case of dangerous or disrespectful tool use and emergencies.\\
 +===== Metalshop Tools =====
 +<nspages tools:​metalshop -exclude:​home -usePictures -h1 -textNS=""​ -textPages=""​ -subns -pagesInNs -naturalOrder>​
 </​panel>​ </​panel>​
 +===== Metal shop Cause page control register =====
 +^ Ref / ID ^ Decision Details ^ Impact ^ Proposed Date ^ Proposed By ^ Status ^ Approved By ^ Date ^ Resulting Actions and Comments ^
 +| 0000 | Creation of draft page | Page requires review and rework | 08/08/20 | JH | Approved | CR | 13/12/2020 | GeoffC created draft page |
 +| 0001 | Approval | Cause members provide feedback | 1/2/2021 | GC | TBA | CR | TBA | TBA |
  • causes/metalworking
  • Last modified: 2 years ago
  • by capella_ben