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infrastructure:lights [2018/10/15 14:38]
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-===== Lights ===== 
-Most light switches are in sensible places, but some are non-obvious. 
-=== Road-Side Spotlights === 
-Outside wall at the corner of the Team Arrow building closest to our front driveway. On the road side of the corner, around chest height. 
-=== Interior Car Park Spotlights === 
-On the back of the Men's Shed building against the throughfare of our driveway, around half-way along the building. You may need a stick or may need to climb over the Men's Shed's stuff to reach this switch. 
-=== Quad === 
-5 switches under a clear weatherproof cover, next to the right-most Team Arrow door. 
-=== Machine shop === 
-Single switch about 1m in from the door, on the right when first walking in. 
-=== Woodshop === 
-Three switches, two of which are hard to find. 
-  - The obvious one is next to the sliding door with the rest of the switches/​power-points,​ on the right when first walking in. 
-  - Near the first one, just inside the door jamb of the sliding door is another switch, facing towards the boneyard. 
-  - On the right side of the window into the machine shop is an old power-point with a red light - this powers the tools on the back wall and also the overhead light. 
-=== Boneyard === 
-Light switches on the left side of the container that's closest to the woodshop. 
-=== Kitchen === 
-Next to the PPE/​First-aid cabinet. 
-=== Green Room === 
-Above the AED (defibrillator) cabinet between the whiteboard and the can crusher. 
-=== Hipster Lounge & Lobby === 
-To the left of the lounge when facing it, on the other side of the door to the store room/hot water room/​switchboard room. 
-=== Hallway to the Toilets === 
-Left of the door to Members Storage. 
-=== Classroom === 
-One switch to the left of each door into the room, inside the room. 
-=== Flashing Neon "​OPEN"​ Sign === 
-In the closet room in the Classroom, around ankle height on the left near the door. Technically not a light, but included here anyway. 
-=== Member Storage === 
-There isn't one! The light goes on automatically whenever the door is open. 
-=== Mens Toilets === 
-There isn't one! There'​s a motion sensor to the left of the door when you walk in, next to the Urinal. 
-=== Womens Toilets === 
-Two switches in the atrium just outside the Women'​s toilets. One is for the atrium light, the other is for the toilets. 
  • infrastructure/lights.1539578337
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • (external edit)