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tools:home [2022/06/21 15:21]
tools:home [2022/09/30 09:13] (current)
capella_ben [Metal Shop]
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 If you come across a tool wiki page that doesn'​t use our tool template, it may not have detailed usage/​induction instructions. In these cases, please contact the cause that maintains the tool via their channel in Discord, or on our membership forum [[https://​forum.hsbne.org|here]]. The most common way to get inducted with these tools is to organise an induction directly with a cause volunteer, but it varies, so be sure to ask. If you come across a tool wiki page that doesn'​t use our tool template, it may not have detailed usage/​induction instructions. In these cases, please contact the cause that maintains the tool via their channel in Discord, or on our membership forum [[https://​forum.hsbne.org|here]]. The most common way to get inducted with these tools is to organise an induction directly with a cause volunteer, but it varies, so be sure to ask.
-===== Automotive ​=====+===== Mechanical ​=====
-<nspages tools:automotive ​-exclude:​home -usePictures -h1 -textNS=""​ -textPages=""​ -subns -pagesInNs -naturalOrder>​+<nspages tools:mechanical ​-exclude:​home -usePictures -h1 -textNS=""​ -textPages=""​ -subns -pagesInNs -naturalOrder>​
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 ===== Metal Shop ===== ===== Metal Shop =====
-Overseen by the [[causes/​metalworking|Machine ​Shop Cause]]. <nspages tools:​metalshop -exclude:​home -exclude:​yaglaser -exclude:​wip:​ -exclude:​handtools:​ -usePictures -h1 -textNS=""​ -textPages=""​ -subns -pagesInNs -naturalOrder>​+Overseen by the [[causes/​metalworking|Metal Shop Team]]. <nspages tools:​metalshop -exclude:​home -exclude:​yaglaser -exclude:​wip:​ -exclude:​handtools:​ -usePictures -h1 -textNS=""​ -textPages=""​ -subns -pagesInNs -naturalOrder>​
 \\ \\ \\ \\
  • tools/home
  • Last modified: 2 years ago
  • by capella_ben