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tools:woodshop:bandsaw [2020/04/11 12:01] external edit
tools:woodshop:bandsaw [2022/05/03 19:26]
ale [Induction]
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-====== N4400 Bandsaw ======+<WRAP 50% center round important>​
-The 'space has a Hammer N4400 bandsaw, based in the woodshop.+**This Page in under construction** 
 +Please pay close attention, this template provides multiple options and placeholder text. You will need to select the correct option and replace all placeholder text. 
 +Please do not remove entire sections, they're there for reason. 
 +Delete this box when you are done. 
 +<WRAP column third> 
 +<WRAP column twothirds>​ 
 +======  ​Hammer N4400 Bandsaw ====== 
 +| Aliases | Big Bandsaw ​ | 
 +| Other References |<​WRAP>​  
 +//​[[https://​snipe.hsbne.org/​|Asset Register]]//​ 
 +//​[[https://​xero.com/​|Xero Asset]]// 
 +[[https://​forum.hsbne.org/​search?​q=bandsaw|Forum Posts]] 
 +| Official Maintainer | Ale Moré | 
 +<WRAP clear></​WRAP>​ 
 +===== Current Status ===== 
 +<WRAP safety half round> 
 +=== Working === 
 +Machine is working as expected. 
 +===== Usage ===== 
 +<WRAP half  round info > 
 +**This machine <wrap hi>​requires induction</​wrap>​ to use.** 
 +==== Induction ==== 
 +This machine'​s induction, as some others in the woodshop, is organized through a [[https://​forum.hsbne.org/​search?​q=inductions%20between%20%23cause-effect%3Awoodworking%20order%3Alatest|forum post]]. In the following link, you will find more information about it. [[teams:​woodworking:​getting_around#​what_machines_require_induction|Getting around - Inductions]] 
 +==== Guidelines ==== 
 +=== What's this tool for? === 
 +In general terms this machine will allow you to cut wood and wood like materials. Particularly is good when you want to cut curves and resawing timber. 
 +=== What’s Resawing? === 
 +Strictly, resawing is a type of rip cut (cut along the grain) but across the thickness. In other words, is a cut that will give a workpiece with the same width and length but a reduced thickness. 
 +In general terms, resawing could refer widely to downsizing timber. A bandsaw is good at this because it has a thing kerf compared to a table saw and it’s way more safe and forgiving than a table saw when it comes to deal with rough lumber (e.g. cup, bow, twist timber). 
 +=== What can I cut with it? === 
 +You can cut solid wood, engineered wood (MDF, Chipboard, Plywood, CLT, OSB) and some composite materials. 
 +Before cutting any composite material (e.g., Plasticsresin-based materials) we ask you to talk to the woodworking cause leader about it. 
 +=== What I can’t cut with it? === 
 +Any materials that contain glass, carbon or Kevlar fibres can’t be cut on this machine. 
 +==== Recommended PPE ==== 
 +<WRAP column half> 
 +| Required | {{:​resources:​ppe-wearenclosedshoes.gif?​nolink&​100|}} | Enclosed shoes are required, no open sandals, thongs etc | 
 +| Required | {{:​resources:​ppe-weargoggle.gif?​nolink&​100|}} | Please wear goggles or a face shield | 
 +| Required | {{:​resources:​prohibition_loose_clothing_and_jewellery_prohibited.jpg?​nolink&​100|}}| No Loose Clothing, or Jewellery| 
 +| Recommended | {{:​resources:​ppe-wearearprotection.gif?​nolink&​100|}} | We recommend hearing protection. | 
 +| Recommended | {{:​resources:​ppe-wearrespirator.gif?​nolink&​100|}} | We recommend the use of a respirator | 
 +<WRAP column half> 
 +| Recommended | {{:​resources:​ppe-useextraction.gif?​nolink&​200|}} | Use Dust Extraction | 
 +| Recommended | {{:​resources:​ppe-useadjustableguard.gif?​nolink&​200|}} | Lower Blade Guard to just above height of workpiece | 
 +| Warning | {{:​resources:​ppe-wearhandprotection.gif?​nolink&​200|}} | Gloves are PPE against your material (splinters, resin etc) but are hazardous around the saw. Please carefully evaluate your use of gloves | 
 +| Maintenance | {{:​resources:​ppe-disconnect.gif?​nolink&​200|}} | Disconnect power to the saw before performing maintenance,​ including blade changes | 
 +<WRAP clearall></​WRAP>​ 
 +===== Machine Specifications ===== 
 +^ Name                                      ^ Value          ^ 
 +| Cutting Height ​                           | 275mm          | 
 +| Rip Capacity ​                             | 420mm          | 
 +| Rip Capacity with parallel cutting fence  | 370mm          | 
 +| Saw blade length min                      | 3950mm ​        | 
 +| Saw blade length nominal ​                 | 3976mm ​        | 
 +| Saw blade length max                      | 4000mm ​        | 
 +| Saw blade min width                       | 6mm            | 
 +| Saw blade max width                       | 20mm           | 
 +| Saw blade speed                           | 20m/​min ​       | 
 +| Wheel diameter ​                           | 440mm          | 
 +| Table Size                                | 420x575x950mm ​ | 
 +| Table Tilt                                | 10º to 22.5º ​  | 
 +| Dust extraction port                      | 120mm          | 
 +===== Documents ===== 
 +<WRAP center round download third left> 
 +{{ :​tools:​woodshop:​n4400_manual.pdf | Manual }} 
 +<WRAP clear></​WRAP>​ 
 +===== Manufacturer ===== 
 +=== Manufacturer === 
 +  * Felder Group / Hammer 
 +  * [[https://​www.felder-group.com/​en-au/​products/​bandsaws-c1958/​bandsaw-classic-line-p144120]] 
 +=== Reseller === 
 +For spare parts, contact: 
 +  * Felder Australia 
 +  * Peter Burkitt 
 +  * E pb@felder.net.au 
 +Blades can also be purchased from Brisbane saw services. 
 +===== Known Issues ===== 
 +^ Date ^ Description ^ Workaround ^ Proposed Remediation |  
 +| 01/01/2020 | PLACEHOLDER Describe the problem | PLACEHOLDER Describe the workaround currently ​in place | Placeholder Describe a proposed fix or solution |   
 +===== Modifications / Repair History ===== 
 +^ Date ^ Modified By ^ Description ^ Remediation ^ Cost ^ 
 +| 01/01/2020 | PLACEHOLDER NAME | PLACEHOLDER Describe what happened | PLACEHOLDER Describe how it was fixed or modified | PLACEHOLDER document ​the cost of the change | 
 +===== Accessories ===== 
 +^ Image ^ Category ^ Accessory Name & Notes ^ Location ^ Buy from ^ 
 +| PLACEHOLDER Image, 100 width | PLACEHOLDER Category of accessory | **PLACEHOLDER Accessory Name** \\ PLACEHOLDER Description and usage notes for accessory | PLACEHOLDER Describe location of accessory | PLACEHOLDER Link to where it was bought from | 
 +===== Consumables & Running Costs ===== 
 +^ Image ^ Category ^ Accessory Name & Notes ^ Location ^ Buy from ^ 
 +| PLACEHOLDER Image, 100 width | PLACEHOLDER Category of consumable | **PLACEHOLDER Consumable Name** \\ PLACEHOLDER Consumable description and usage | PLACEHOLDER Description of where the consumable is stored | PLACEHOLDER Link to where it can be bought | 
 +===== Maintenance ===== 
 +^ Interval ^ Task ^ 
 +| PLACEHOLDER Pick one: Daily/​Weekly/​Monthly/​Quarterly/​Biannual/​Annual | PLACEHOLDER Description of maintenance task and any relevant parameters | 
 +===== Maintenance Log ===== 
 +^ Date        ^ Consumable ​                      ^ Comment ​                                                                                                                      ^ Member ^ 
 +| 13/​04/​2021 ​ | 10mm@4TPI General purpose blade  | A new blade was opened and added to the working set. The old one was properly labelled and left to be used as a teaching tool.  | Ale Moré    | 
 +===== RACI ===== 
 +PLACEHOLDER A RACI is an important documentation process to let people know what ACTIONS can happen, and who needs to be Responsible,​ Accountable,​ Consulted and Informed for each ACTION. Delete this line. 
 +<WRAP column third> 
 +<WRAP column twothirds>​ 
 +^ Task / Action ^ Executive ^ Cause Leader \\ Cause Team ^ Named Maintainer ^ Trainers ^ Cause ^ Membership ^ Implementer ^ 
 +| Modification and Repairs | - | AC | C | I | I | I | R | 
 +| Induction changes ​       | C | RACI | RC | I | I | I | R | 
 +<WRAP clear></​WRAP>​ 
 +===== Risk Matrix and Mitigation ===== 
 +PLACEHOLDER:​ Risk assessment is important to ensure we are making tools available to members in a responsible fashion. Please make every effort to do a reasonable risk assessment. If there is a safety incident with the tool, please redo a risk assessment and add it to the table. 
 +<WRAP column third> 
 +<WRAP column twothirds>​ 
 +^ Ref / ID ^ Pre-Mitigation |||^ Mitigations / Warnings / Remedies ^ Post Mitigation |||^ 
 +^ ::: ^ Risk ^ Risk Severity ^ Risk Likelyhood ^ Risk Level ^ ::: ^ Risk Severity ^ Risk Likelyhood ^ Risk Level ^ Acceptable to Proceed ^ 
 +| 0001 | PLACEHOLDER DEATH | Intolerable | Probable | 11 | PLACEHOLDER Induction to train users in correct usage | Low | Improbable | 1 | 
 +<WRAP clear></​WRAP>​ 
 +===== Decision Register ===== 
 +PLACEHOLDER:​ A decision register is for general documentation when some decision is made regarding the tool. To change its location, mode of operation, to buy an accessory, to replace something, to change how it operates etc. Delete this line. 
 +^ Ref / ID ^ Decision Details ^ Impact ^ Proposed Date ^ Proposed By ^ Status ^ Approved By ^ Date ^ Resulting Actions and Comments ^ 
 +| 0000 | Example decision | Provides an example | 08/08/20 | JH | Approved | JH | 08/08/20 | A line was put in the register |
-**You need to be inducted on this machine to operate it. ** 
  • tools/woodshop/bandsaw
  • Last modified: 2 years ago
  • by ale