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tools:woodshop:lathe_-_vicmarc_vl200 [2020/11/21 20:47]
duncang [Documents]
tools:woodshop:lathe_-_vicmarc_vl200 [2020/11/21 21:16]
duncang [Table]
Line 61: Line 61:
 ===== Machine Specifications ===== ===== Machine Specifications =====
-PLACEHOLDERPlease fill out this table with all relevant machine specifications. The manufacturers website usually gives a good list. Delete this line.+{{:tools:​woodshop:​vl200_parts.png|}} 
 +| 1   | Outboard Spindle ​              | 
 +| 2   | Spindle ​                       | 
 +| 3   | Toolrest ​                      | 
 +| 4   | Camlock / Spindle ​             | 
 +| 5   | Quill                          | 
 +| 6   | Tailstock ​                     | 
 +| 7   | Tailstock handwheel ​           | 
 +| 8   | Tailstock locking lever        | 
 +| 9   | Speed Controller / Inverter ​   | 
 +| 10  | Motor                          | 
 +| 11  | Toolrest locking lever         | 
 +| 12  | Camlock / Banjo Locking lever  | 
 <WRAP column third> <WRAP column third>
Line 141: Line 157:
 ^ Image ^ Category ^ Accessory Name & Notes ^ Location ^ Buy from ^ ^ Image ^ Category ^ Accessory Name & Notes ^ Location ^ Buy from ^
-| {{:​tools:​woodshop:​4_jaw_chuck.jpeg?​100|}} | Workpiece Holding | **4 Jaw Self-Centring Chuck** \\ For general work holding. | TBA | TBA |+| {{:​tools:​woodshop:​4_jaw_chuck.jpeg?​100|}} | Workpiece Holding | **4 Jaw Self-Centring Chuck** \\ For general work holding. ​\\ {{ :​tools:​woodshop:​4-jaw-chuck-manual-aug-10.pdf | Vicmarc 4-Jaw Chuck Manual }} | TBA | TBA |
 | {{:​tools:​woodshop:​drive_dog.jpeg?​100|}} | Workpiece Holding | **Drive Dog** \\ MT2 drive dog for inserting in the headstock spindle. | TBA | TBA | | {{:​tools:​woodshop:​drive_dog.jpeg?​100|}} | Workpiece Holding | **Drive Dog** \\ MT2 drive dog for inserting in the headstock spindle. | TBA | TBA |
 | {{:​tools:​woodshop:​live_centre.jpeg?​100|}} | Workpiece Holding | **Live Centre** \\ MT2 live centre for inserting in the tailstock. | TBA | TBA | | {{:​tools:​woodshop:​live_centre.jpeg?​100|}} | Workpiece Holding | **Live Centre** \\ MT2 live centre for inserting in the tailstock. | TBA | TBA |
  • tools/woodshop/lathe_-_vicmarc_vl200
  • Last modified: 4 years ago
  • by duncang