===== Starting a Print with Octoprint =====
Most of HSBNE's 3D printers have a web UI that is powered by Octoprint. To start a print with our web UI, follow the guide below.
===== Documents =====
{{ :tools:digitalfabrication:3dprinters:user_manual_cr-x_en.pdf | Manual }}
{{ https://ultimaker.com/software/ultimaker-cura | Software (Cura) }}
===== Producing your 3D Design (.STL File) =====
//Need to insert a blurb in here describing popular software for designing 3D models.
I always use Sketchup, but I think i'm alone.//
The end result of this stage of the procedure is an ''.STL'' file.
===== Converting your .STL File to GCODE =====
To get started, download and install the latest version of the Cura software from the Document section above. Once you've installed Cura, open it up to get started.
**Note:** both the left and right CR-X use the same generic "Creality CR-X" profile so if you've already set one up previously, you can re-use that one.
1. Open the printers dropdown then select "Add printer".\\
2. Select "Add a non-networked printer", then select "Creality CR-X" from the "Creality" drop down in the list.\\
3. Select the printer you want to use from the list of printers. Please see the [[tools:digitalfabrication:3dprinters:|individual printer pages]] for a guide on setting up each one.\\
4. Select which extruder you want to use (1 is the left one, and 2 is the right one). Dual filament printing is outside the scope of this guide, please seek assistance from a printer maintainer or your preferred search engine if you want to use this feature. \\
**Note:** Digifab only commits to keeping esun PLA and PETG (in white and black) in stock. If you want any other materials or colours, please source your own filament and ask a maintainer to help you swap them over.\\
5. Select the material you want to use. Most of the time there will already be filament loaded into the printer, so check it before proceeding. \\
**Note:** if you can't find the colour you want to use, just choose black. However, make sure the *type* of material selected is correct. \\
6. Load a file into Cura (we recommend you export a ".stl" file from your software. If you're downloading from thingiverse, it will normally be a ".stl" file. This is the stage you should make changes to your model such as scaling and positioning if you wish to do so. This is outside the scope of this guide so please seek assistance from your preferred search engine. \\
7. Adjust your print settings by opening the top right drop down. A brief introduction is included below, but detailed explanations of all the options are outside the scope of this guide. If you don't know what you are doing **do not** adjust any settings that aren't listed below as you can damage the printer. \\
You can adjust the layer height using the options in (2), the infil percentage in (3) and enable supports in (4).
8. Click on "slice" and wait for it to complete.\\
9. Click on "save to file" and export the gcode.
**Note:** DO NOT use this gcode on any other printer. Gcode can only run on the printer it was "sliced" for.
===== Sending your GCODE to the Printer =====
1. Open the web UI for the printer you want to use. You can find the link to the printer that you want to use on their wiki pages; (either [[tools:digitalfabrication:3dprinters:leftcrx|Creality CR-X (Left)]] or [[tools:digitalfabrication:3dprinters:rightcrx|Creality CR-X (Right)]]) under the "**Usage**" section. If you are asked for a username and password, use "hsbne" for both.
// **Note:** not all of our printers have a webcam, so you may not see a webcam feed like in these screenshots. \\
1a. If the printer hasn't been used for a while, you may have to "reconnect" it. In the "Connection" box in the top left of the screen, check if it says "Connect" or "Disconnect". If it says "Disconnect", you can continue ahead. If not, select "Connect" then wait for it to connect. If there's problems connecting to the printer, check the USB and power connections on the side of the printer. \\
2. Select "upload", then choose a file to print. \\
3. Select the *folder* icon next to the file you want to print. This will choose it for printing. Check the estimated time and the file is correct before continuing. \\
4. Select the "Print" button and wait for the printer to heat up. \\
5. You should wait by the printer for the entire first layer to complete. This is the most likely time for the print to fail. Once the printer has finished the first layer, you are free to go do something else. However, you **must** remain on site at HSBNE and you **must** check on the print every 10-15 minutes. If you can't commit to this then you can't use the HSBNE printers. \\
6. Check on the print every 10-15 minutes. If you notice any "catastrophic failures" (you'll know this when you see it, trust us!) then you'll need to cancel the print and try again. Examples of "catastrophic failures" include "spaghetti mess", the print coming loose, the print head jamming and/or no plastic coming out, etc. You can cancel the print by clicking on the "Cancel" button in the web UI. \\